rsijrier / Traverso-DAW

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Revive & collaborations #1

Closed MarcoRavich closed 1 year ago

MarcoRavich commented 3 years ago

Hi there, Traverso was (sigh) a project I've proudly supported in the past, so I wanna try to put my - poor - efforts to keep it alive.

As always here's some "inspiring links" that aims to create collaborations between other (minor) DAW projects:

  1. Sound Ocean - a combination of koblo and traverso daw;
  2. DawDreamer - an audio-processing Python framework supporting core DAW features such as audio playback, VST MIDI instruments, and VST effects.;
  3. Chaotic-DAW - Digital Audio Workstation with extended sequencing capabilities
  4. MuseBox - A Digital Audio Workstation focusing on creativity, collaboration and sharing.

Anyway, if you do not want to resume the project, I suggest to join an (active) NLE such as:

Hope that helps !