rsijrier / Traverso-DAW

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[REQ] fix license on GH #2

Open MarcoRavich opened 1 year ago

MarcoRavich commented 1 year ago

Hi there, 1st of all thanks for this awesome work !

Since we've 'doxed' it in our HyMPS project (under AUDIO section \ DAWs page \ Generic), can you please fix the license file for it ?

Even if this project seems (unfortunally) adbandoned, standardize licensing terms - at least before set it as a public archive - is extremely important to let anyone better/faster understand how to reuse/adapt/modify sources in other open projects.

Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, license file uncompliance causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge too:

(badge-generator URL:

For example, check Horizon Digital Audio Workstation's git to visualize how the GPL 2 license needs to be formatted to let GH interprets it correctly. And, of course, its badge:

(badge-generator URL:

Last but not least, since our GH organization recently decided to start storing development-deadlocked third-party source codes in order to preserve from oblivion, if you think to get rid of this repository we strongly invite you to donate it using the Transfer function instead of deleting it.

Thanks in advance !

MarcoRavich commented 7 months ago

Bump (request updated).

MarcoRavich commented 1 month ago

Bump 2 (request updated again).

rsijrier commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks for your comment, unfortunately I do not really understand your request?

This repo only exists as a backup right now, development still happens on savannah.nongnu . The official website is offline at the moment, development has been indeed slow for the last couple decades.

Still hoping to get the development version ready for release as it has much usability improvements but I do not know if there still is a user base for this kind of program?

Regards, Remon

MarcoRavich commented 1 week ago

Hi there @rsijrier, thanks for your reply.

Didn't get the development had moved on savannah (I was active on the old website forum), I'll update links.

Hope that HyMPS may help you.