rsim / oracle-enhanced

Oracle enhaced adapter for ActiveRecord
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DESC teble_name failed; does it exist? #21

Closed Matalo closed 14 years ago

Matalo commented 14 years ago

Hi, I found weird behavior inside oracle_enhanced_connection.rb (version 1.3.0) file, from where i always get error mentioned in title. I looked into source code of this file at line 68, which states "if result = select_one(sql)" before this statement I created code "puts sql" which returns SELECT statement which is about to be executed, when I run this statement inside sql developer, under same connection(user,password) as set in database.yml, I get result one line, but inside oracle_enhanced_connection.rb will return nil and cause exception from line 76.

rsim commented 14 years ago

That sounds strange. Could you show me that sql statement and can you show me your database.yml (without sensitive information) and how do you define your ActiveRecord model class?

Matalo commented 14 years ago

Hi, here it goes

SQL statement: SELECT owner, table_name, 'TABLE' name_type FROM all_tables WHERE owner = 'DB_USER' AND table_name = 'PRODUCT_TEAMS' UNION ALL SELECT owner, view_name table_name, 'VIEW' name_type FROM all_views WHERE owner = 'DB_USER' AND view_name = 'PRODUCT_TEAMS' UNION ALL SELECT table_owner, DECODE(db_link, NULL, table_name, table_name||'@'||db_link), 'SYNONYM' name_type FROM all_synonyms WHERE owner = 'DB_USER' AND synonym_name = 'PRODUCT_TEAMS' UNION ALL SELECT table_owner, DECODE(db_link, NULL, table_name, table_name||'@'||db_link), 'SYNONYM' name_type FROM all_synonyms WHERE owner = 'PUBLIC' AND synonym_name = 'DB_USER.PRODUCT_TEAMS'

database.yml: development: adapter: oracle_enhanced database: username: user pool: 5

test: adapter: oracle_enhanced database: username: user

ActiveRecord: class ProductTeam < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :product, :class_name => "Product", :foreign_key => "product_id" has_one :project, :through => :product

set table name including schema

set_table_name "db_user.product_teams" set_primary_key "product_team_id"

Used to tell active record that the database creates the primary key itself (using triggers and sequences)

set_sequence_name :autogenerated


rsim commented 14 years ago

Does database user "user" (which is specified in database.yml) have access to db_user.product_teams table? Can you try

require "rubygems"
require "oci8"
# replace with real password
conn = "user", "password", ""
pust conn.select_one("select * from db_user.product_teams"
Matalo commented 14 years ago

I granted 'user' all right for table product_teams, but when I run code you attached I receive error: OCIError: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist from stmt.c:306:in

but when I run same code for other table e.g. db_user.products it runs fine. Strange is also that when I use SQL developer and connect to DB using same credentials as in attached code, sql statement "select * from db_user.product_teams" works.

Matalo commented 14 years ago

Ok, I fixed issue, I don't fully understand why but after recompiling objects the query starts to work

1st8 commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately I'm having the same issue, will have to look into it now. select * from "db_user"."my_table" runs fine via ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute.

1st8 commented 11 years ago

conn.describe_table('"db_user"."mytable"') works fine and returns a OCI8::Metadata::Column object

1st8 commented 11 years ago

This was it: #301

OneHoopyFrood commented 9 years ago

I'm seeing this error with the rails42 branch, which i switched to to solve this:

Here's the error:

ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedConnectionException: "DESC famous_databases" failed; does it exist?

Here's my setup:


# Oracle adapter
gem "activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter", github: 'rsim/oracle-enhanced', branch: 'rails42' 
gem "ruby-oci8"


  adapter: oracle_enhanced
  host: <IP>
  port: 1521
  database: famous
  # database: //
  username: secret
  password: secret

The database is a legacy readonly and not the only database that will be used so I'm set up like this, but I don't think that should cause issues:

class ArTrxHeader < FamousDatabase
    self.table_name = :AR_TRX_HEADER

    self.primary_key = "ARTRXHDRIDX"

That inherits from:

class FamousDatabase < ActiveRecord::Base
    establish_connection :famous
    # Prevent creation of new records and modification to existing records
    def readonly?
        return true

    # Prevent objects from being destroyed
    def before_destroy
        raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord
OneHoopyFrood commented 9 years ago

As I wrote that I found the issue. It's the inheritance. All I had to do was add: self.abstract_class = true to the FamousDatabase model and it worked. Should have been obvious. I'll just leave it here for anyone else who runs into the issue though.