Closed wcmatthysen closed 8 years ago
This is issue with ruby-oci8 gem which does not allow to bind NULL value to object type argument - see
I asked ruby-oci8 maintainer one more time to think about possible solution :)
Thanks Raimonds, I will watch the rubyforge forums for this. Should I leave this ticket open for the time-being? The reason I ask is that it is actually a ruby-oci8 issue and not a ruby-plsql-spec issue.
You can leave this open so that it will remind me this issue as well :) Maybe I will think of some workaround for this ruby-oci8 issue.
I tested with latest ruby-oci8 development version (with patch from Kubo) and now it works that you can pass NULL values to object type parameters.
To try it out you need to get the latest development version of ruby-oci8 and install it as gem:
svn checkout
cd ruby-oci8
gem build ruby-oci8.gemspec
gem install ruby-oci8-2.1.x.gem
To be sure that in your tests you are using this version 2.1.x try this
is it resolved?
Just tested it - it's resolved. Can be closed.
Hi there,
When I create the following PL/SQL type:
and the following procedure for testing purposes:
and create the following test:
I get the following error when I call the test_person procedure:
1) People Suite should break when called with a NULL parameter Failure/Error: lambda do expected Exception with message matching /ORA-20001/ but nothing was raised
I would have suspected the test_person to throw an exception when calling with a NULL parameter but it did not. Any help would be very much appreciated.