rsjaffe / MIDI2LR

An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
675 stars 83 forks source link

List of known compatible and incompatible controllers is gone #457

Closed MortenHannemose closed 4 years ago

MortenHannemose commented 4 years ago

When I open the list of known compatible and incompatible controllers is at the columns only contain the letters a,b,c but no information about controllers.

Maybe someone has vandalized the page?

rsjaffe commented 4 years ago


MortenHannemose commented 4 years ago

Now rows 3 through 8 only contain the text "NRPN not useful for faders--they only send high 7 bits, skip low 7 (Cannot confirm this with latest firmware (1.10) and drivers (1.0.10) on Win10, NRPN works fine on motorized faders and encoder dials.)". That seems unintentional.

MortenHannemose commented 4 years ago

I have now "restored" the document to 10 September, 10:42, which fixes the above mentioned problem.