rsjaffe / MIDI2LR

An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keystroke Shift not honored for Cursor keys #751

Open wunditta opened 8 months ago

wunditta commented 8 months ago

It seems as if the SHIFT modifier is not honored with cursor keystrokes "cursor up/down/left/right". I also tested directly sending

MIDI2LR.SERVER:send('SendKey 4 cursor down\n')

which should select an entire row of photos (in Grid view), but it just moves the "cursor" (i.e. selected photo) one row down.

The cursor is moved correctly, but with Shift the photos should be selected too, which is not the case.

Shift, of course, works for normal keys and also some special keys (hard to test as there are not so many combinations, but Ctrl+Shift+Return works for lock photo to second window). So it seems it is only the cursor keys.