rsksmart / rsk-cli

rsk-cli - A command-line tool for interacting with Rootstock blockchain
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Clarification on txid and txhash #16

Open RedVelvetZip opened 2 months ago

RedVelvetZip commented 2 months ago

The transaction unique identifier is referred to as txhash / transaction hash everywhere except for the command to check transaction status

the following all refer to it as transaction hash -transfer rBTC cli command -deploy contract cli command -block explorer frontend, which is linked out to in the output of the above commands

however the check transaction status cli command refers to this value a txid in it param field rsk-cli tx --txid [0x...]

when a user executes a transfer/deployment, the terminal logs their txhash for them. then, if they want to then check on said tx status, they'd be asked for the txid, not the txhash. same value, under a different variable name

pretty minor, but the inconsistency may imply (to new users) that ID and Hash are distinct properties

chrisarevalodev commented 1 month ago

Hi @RedVelvetZip!

Thanks a lot for noticing about this detail. Your correct, that is a clear inconsistency that could lead to misunderstandings. Will take action on that on the next CLI update!

Thanks again and keep building 🔥