rsocket / rsocket-rpc-java

Standard RSocket RPC Java Implementation
Apache License 2.0
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Benchmarking RSocket, SSL version is very slow #59

Closed srikarn closed 4 years ago

srikarn commented 4 years ago


I am benchmarking RSocket, I noticed that RSocket is very fast with out ssl. But when I used ssl, I am seeing that it slows down roughly 7x.

This is how I am configuring my ssl, is there something that I am doing wrong?

       TcpClient client = TcpClient.create()

        if(useSsl) {
            SslContext sslContext = SslContextBuilder.forClient()
            client = -> {
       ClientTransport transport = TcpClientTransport.create(client);

I am using a self created CA and a self signed certificate.

Thanks for your time.

OlegDokuka commented 4 years ago

@srikarn Can you share your benchmark setup, please?

srikarn commented 4 years ago

@OlegDokuka thanks for your reply, I figured out the problem was with the default Open JDK ssl, when I switched to the netty-tcnative-boringssl-static I got the desired performance.