rsokl / Learning_Python

Source material for Python Like You Mean it
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Fix broken NumPy link #179

Closed rsokl closed 2 years ago

rsokl commented 2 years ago

From discussion board:

Meanwhile, I want to draw your attention to one of the links, which is broken. It is found in the section on"Creating Arrays Using Random Sampling":

According to the book, the link is a reference to "many more functions that allows one to "draw from a wide variety of statistical distributions".

I know it might seem trivial especially given the large number of links you provided in the book. However, I thought that it is an important link to check out and I couldn't locate it on the documentation website:

I did, however, found this, which does not seem to be the same. If you could help to find the right link, it will be highly appreciated.

Thank you

_Originally posted by @TheAmaks in