rsokl / Learning_Python

Source material for Python Like You Mean it
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Uploading OOP Exercise & Added __eq__ to Special Methods #180

Open JuliusStein opened 2 years ago

JuliusStein commented 2 years ago

I've proofread and ran the code through Black - let me know if you notice anything that needs changing!

rsokl commented 2 years ago

Awesome! I'll give this a proofread. I need to update PLYMI to the latest jupytext to get to markdown version 1.3 (i.e. to catch up to your notebook) before I'll merge this. Otherwise it could lead to some issues with building the site.

JuliusStein commented 2 years ago

Sounds good! I could also roll back the version of jupytext I used and remake the notebook if that would be easier for you.