rspective / websockito

A module to teach you how to use Web Sockets in Node.js.
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List of topics covered in a workshop #2

Open afronski opened 9 years ago

afronski commented 9 years ago

Propositions of topics that should be covered in the workshop:

Feedback and help is welcome! :wink:

afronski commented 9 years ago

My proposition:

  1. Assignment about Buffer.
  2. Assignment about EventEmitter.
  3. Creating simple server which will act as a Echo protocol implementation.
  4. Creating simple client which will act as a Echo protocol consumer.
  5. Setting up very simple server.
  6. Setting up very simple client.
  7. Using hubs and broadcasting in
  8. Publish-subscribe pattern in clean ws implementation.
  9. Consuming incoming messages as streams - Assignment 1.
  10. Consuming incoming messages as streams - Assignment 2.
  11. Preparing server where user can spin up a long running task, which communicates success, error and progress for each user separately.
pawelrychlik commented 9 years ago

This looks promising :+1: Let's see it in practice!

LukaszWiktor commented 9 years ago

@afronski I would omit first 2 assignments (Buffer and EventEmitter) since they are covered by other workshoppers. Instead the Echo assignment could be developed in several simple steps:

After that the Echo could evolve into a Chat app - broadcasting a message from one client to all connected clients.

afronski commented 9 years ago

FTR: There are some ideas at nodeschool/workshoppers#28