rspeer / langcodes

A Python library for working with and comparing language codes.
MIT License
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[Question] Unified Python 2 + 3 code base #12

Closed pettarin closed 7 years ago

pettarin commented 7 years ago

Currently the Python 2 and Python 3 code bases are separate, and each has its own PyPI package.

This situation leads to dis-alignments (e.g., on PyPI langcodes is at v1.3, while langcodes-py2 is at v1.2), and it is problematic in general.

Is there any interest in having a unified code base? At a first glance, I do not see particular issues that impede the unification --- but maybe I am wrong. I will be willing to invest some time in this, if you are interested. (I think I have the required experience with NLP and with unified PY2/PY3 code bases.)

BTW, very nice package, thank you (Rob / Luminoso) for releasing it under the MIT license!

pettarin commented 7 years ago

Probably not a great idea. Let's move Python 3 forward. Closing.