rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Report: PST Tracking Sheet - repeat header for additional pages #134

Closed rssidlowski closed 9 years ago

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

There is a header on the first page of the PST Tracking Sheet report. Add a header to the subsequent pages. pstheader

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Add a header for the Investigations by Complainant for Date Range and Investigations by Status for Date Range.

gjmkelly commented 9 years ago

There really was no header, just a block at the start of the report. So, I made that into a page header as best I could, but for the part that lists the included Complainant(s) or status(s), I don't have an easy way of repeating that on each page bc of the data structure. If it's worth doing I can get it working that way with a couple hours of work.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

verified. This is fine now.