rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Settings: PST all points #147

Closed rssidlowski closed 9 years ago

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

What is the purpose of the 'All Points' button on the settings, pollution source tracking? I don't see that anywhere on the map. settingspst

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

That button is automatically generated as a result of the samples featureclass (with no definition query) being included in the map service for the sake of queries/spatial operations. It serves no purpose for display. It would be a pain to write code to keep the ESRI legend component from showing the layer as in the image above. If it's worth the effort, let me know.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

No worries. Just curious.