rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Report: PST Report #15

Closed rssidlowski closed 9 years ago

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Create a report with the following specifications: PST Report Input: • Date Range (or all dates) • Investigation name (or all investigations) • Watersheds (or all) Fields: • Name – PST_Investigations.INV_NAME • PST Resolved – PST_SAMPLES.RESOLVED • Location – PST_Investigations.LOC_DESC • Video Inspection – PST_SAMPLES.VIDEO_NEEDED • Problem Type – PST_ProblemCodes.PROBLEM_DESC • Initial GPS North – PST_SAMPLES.LAT WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=1 (initial) • Initial GPS West – PST_SAMPLES.LONGI WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=1 (initial) • Source GPS North – PST_SAMPLES.LAT WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=3 • Source GPS West – PST_SAMPLES.LONGI WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=3 • Field Date - PST_Investigations.INV_FIELDDATE
• Referral Date - PST_Investigations.REF_DATE
• Follow up Required – PST_SAMPLES.FOLLOW_UP • Origin – PST_OriginCodes.ORIGIN_DESC
• Complaint Date – PST_Investigations.INV_COMPLDATE • Referral – PST_RefAgencyCodes.REF_AGENCY_DESC • Complainant – PST_ComplainantSourceCodes.COMPLAINANT_SOURSE_DESC
• Date Solved – PST_Investigations.INV_SOLVEDATE • SR Number – PST_SERVICE_REQUEST.SR_NUM • Status – PST_InvStatusCodes.INV_STATUS_DESC • Repair Date - PST_Investigations.INV_COMPLETEDATE
Below for each Sample line:
• GPS North - PST_SAMPLES.LAT WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=2 (for each sample)
• GPS West – PST_SAMPLES.LONGI WHERE pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id=2 (for each sample)
• Flow Rate – PST_FlowRaveCodes.FLOW_RATE_DESC
• Dye Test – PST_DyeTestCodes.PST_DYE_TEST_DESC, PST_DyeColorCodes.DYE_COLOE_DESC
• Personnel – PST_Personnel, PST_PersonelXsamples for this sample
• Sample Type - pst_location_type_lu.location _type_id for each sample line rep1_psttracking

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Per Brendan, use SQLServer reporting services.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Get the following error when viewing the PST report: data retrieval failed for the subreport. reportpstsubreporterror

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

PST sheet report is empty in printable report tab. I generate the report: pstrpt1 but when I click on view printable report the new tab opens and it has no data. pstrpt2

gjmkelly commented 9 years ago

This does not appear to be an issue on the reports side. i.e. if you use the URL -- http://vm-1108s08/Allreport/rptPSTtrack.aspx?date1=10/10/2012&date2=12/12/2012 -- and export to PDF it's fine. So I think it is in the activity manager that I know nothing about. I'll send it back to you for now (maybe Lu or Jesse can fix this quickly, or assign it back to me and I'll have to learn this part)