rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Snap to sanitary manhole to display sanitary in system type #171

Closed rssidlowski closed 9 years ago

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

From Matt at COB When a sample is snapped to a sanitary manhole can the system type in sample page automatically display “sanitary” instead of manhole. (manhole would be just for storm drain manhole)

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

I'll change 'Wastewater Manholes' to sanitary and leave stormwater Manholes as manhole

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

I added in cobdev to wasterwater manhole and the system type is manhole. See sample id = 19435.

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

I think this works right (at least for me :-), I went to your location for sample 19435 and -- although that sample is "manhole" -- when I turned on the Waste Water layer and created a new sample by the snap method at that exact same location, I got "sanitary ". I've tested by adding new samples to existing investigations and my creating a new investigation and cannot reproduce the error. Please retry and if you can get it to say "manhole" when it should be "sanitary" try to record the work flow/steps that I replicate.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Verified this is working correctly now in COBDEV.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Verified in prod.