rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Investigation: default date values #172

Closed rssidlowski closed 9 years ago

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

From Matt at COB: Can we have the ability to leave date domains within the investigation page blank? Some domains that refer to events that may not have occurred yet, such as Solved date, Repair Confirmation Date, Referral Date, and QC Referral Date we would like to default to blank. Currently these domains are defaulting to today’s date.

I don't see the same behavior. How is this controlled?

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

I only left complaint date being populated

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

but now those other dates have the date-picker come up with 2003 like you had observed before and I had not. So, I'll take another look at that issue separately,

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Verified in COBDEV. Can you provide the ability to clear the date field? How hard is that?

gerrykelly commented 9 years ago

One would think not hard at all. But Sencha does not support this directly. However I was able to find some code from a better Sencha programmer than me that gives us not only a clear button on the picker toolbar, but also a "today" button, so that should solve all the date problems. I also then needed to revise the webservice part so that for each of the Investigation date fields it can actually reset the value to null. Updated for testing in dev.

rssidlowski commented 9 years ago


rssidlowski commented 9 years ago

Verified in prod.