rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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New fields for SDUO on Investigation Details #182

Closed rssidlowski closed 8 years ago

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

Requested from PST SME: OCAL recently hired an engineering to management the SDUO program. He had reviewed the PST App and has made a few quests, which will help him manage the SDUO program.

  1. Add 15 character text field named “Outfall ID” after or below the “Discharge Classification” field
  2. Add 15 character text field named “SDUO ID” after or below the “Stream Name” field


What will it take to add these to the database and to the user interface?

gerrykelly commented 8 years ago

ready in test

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

Verified in COBDev. Promote to COBProd.

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

Verified in COBProd.