rssidlowski / Pollution_Source_Tracking

City of Baltimore Pollution Source Tracking
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Investigation Details: Explanation field #199

Open rssidlowski opened 8 years ago

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

City personnel would like to see the Explanation field on the Investigation details screen expanded for displaying all contents on the iPad. Currently displays 5 lines on the iPad.
Extend to 10 lines.
Also, I don't see an easy way to scroll up and down in the Explanation field while on the iPad.

While testing, I added a lot of text in the Explanation field and received the error message: Failure: form field may not be submitted with invalid values. What does that mean? Have I exceeded the allowed characters for this field? image

gerrykelly commented 8 years ago

That is the error you would get if you exceeded the allowed characters for this field. The limit was 2000, which seemed like quite a lot. I changed the field and the WebAPI to VARCHAR(MAX) , so effectively no limit. The no-scrolling on an ipad is a bug that Sencha had never fixed. I added a custom fix, but the scrolling was really clunky. So i added code that detects when the form is shown and resizes the textbox according to the text in it (and resizes as text is entered). It should show all the text plus a couple lines. Keep in mind this function is designed for the iPad. if you think it looks bad on the computer, I can address that later. Now that I have this fix (and if you think it works OK ... it'll never be perfect) I could apply it to anywhere else they have a long-text problem,

gerrykelly commented 8 years ago

It occurred to me that i was assuming they are always using the iPad in portrait orientation. If that is not the case then i should make the text area sizing dependent on device orientation (or we can just ignore it and if it comes up I'll see if i can then address it)

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

This works well on the iPad. I don't know about the orientation. Let's move this to production.

gerrykelly commented 8 years ago

in prod

rssidlowski commented 8 years ago

Verified. Awaiting verification from City personnel.