rssiweb / phoenix_backend

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Need to display notification that information has been auto saved. Also what happen just in case information dose not get auto saved. So we need a confirmation message. #19

Closed sahasomnath closed 6 years ago

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago


zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

as commented in #20 if the information is not saved the error notification will be shown.

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago

I agree. But how user will know the information has been auto saved as nothing could be just an assumption. If you are mentioning it anywhere I am good with it.

zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

This behaviour is adapted from the attendance page. When you put some value on marks there is a loading spinner that will indicate that the data is being saved.

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago

Attandance sheet is good. There being disable of a button indicate that information has been saved. Here we don't have anything like that. Please don't mix both.

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago

Discussed and agreed on the comment mentioned above.

zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

so here is what I have done to show that the data being entered is saved. when someone enterers the marks the processing icon is shown right next to the marks input field (you might not see this if you are on a fast internet connection), one the data is saved on the server the current row will be GREEN for 1 second then turn back to normal color, similarly if the data is not saved the row will turn RED for 1 second and turn back to normal (the data will also be reset)

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago

I think we need a discussion here. I agree its working but the way you are confirming no one would be able to understand.

sahasomnath commented 6 years ago


The red and green concept is very fine and unnoticeable. please replace it with - can we display a green tick (12*16) if the information get auto saved. You can use the below image as tick.

if_tick_mark_dark_1398912 1

zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

Okay, if you have the idea you should tell it while filing the bug, so that the time is saved for both of us, don't wait for my solution and then come up with yours.

zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

How this should behave?

Should the tick be present all the time after the data is saved?

What happens when user updates the data, how will it should the tick again ?

If you want to appear the tick for some time and remove it, the table width will grow on first entry, that won't be a good experience

zkhan93 commented 6 years ago

as discussed, highlighting row with a color is the final solution, but it seems that the colors are not properly visible on some screens, will make them more vibrant.