RSS Owl is a powerful application to organize, search and read your RSS, RDF & Atom news feeds in a comfortable way. Highlights are saved searches, google reader sync, notifications, filters, fast fulltext search and a flexible, clean user interface.
Hello! In addition to RSSOwl, I use the bookmarking site Pinboard. I would like to be able to add articles from RSSOwl to my Pinboard. This patch is intended to add Pinboard to RSSOwl's list of "Sharing" links.
Note that since I am new to Java, I have not yet built and tested this addition. I have modeled it exactly after the other shareProvider extensions. The Pinboard API requires HTTPS, and I notice that no other extension URLs use HTTPS, so I am unsure whether this is something RSSOwl can handle.
Hello! In addition to RSSOwl, I use the bookmarking site Pinboard. I would like to be able to add articles from RSSOwl to my Pinboard. This patch is intended to add Pinboard to RSSOwl's list of "Sharing" links.
Note that since I am new to Java, I have not yet built and tested this addition. I have modeled it exactly after the other
extensions. The Pinboard API requires HTTPS, and I notice that no other extension URLs use HTTPS, so I am unsure whether this is something RSSOwl can handle.