This pull request adds the costmap to dynamic obstacles plugin (written by Franz Albers).
It detects the dynamic foreground of the costmap (based on the temporal evolution of the costmap)
including blobs representing the obstacles. Furthermore, Kalman-based tracking is applied to estimate
the current velocity for each obstacle.
New message types are introduced: costmap_converter::ObstacleMsg and costmap_converter::ObstacleArrayMsg.
These types extend the previous polygon representation by additional velocity, orientation and id information.
Note, this plugin is still experimental.
TODO: the extracted polygon might have a large number of vertices. A reduction to smaller (convex) polygons, circles or rectangles can also be of interest (from the planning point of view).
This pull request adds the costmap to dynamic obstacles plugin (written by Franz Albers). It detects the dynamic foreground of the costmap (based on the temporal evolution of the costmap) including blobs representing the obstacles. Furthermore, Kalman-based tracking is applied to estimate the current velocity for each obstacle.
New message types are introduced: costmap_converter::ObstacleMsg and costmap_converter::ObstacleArrayMsg. These types extend the previous polygon representation by additional velocity, orientation and id information.
Note, this plugin is still experimental. TODO: the extracted polygon might have a large number of vertices. A reduction to smaller (convex) polygons, circles or rectangles can also be of interest (from the planning point of view).