rstacruz / cheatsheets

Cheatsheets for web development -
13.86k stars 3.6k forks source link


Open chadwithuhc opened 6 years ago

chadwithuhc commented 6 years ago

Here is a list of request topics and a link to their original request.

Please vote on the topic, or if it doesn't exist, feel free to request a new topic.

Requested Topics

565 Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator

693 ag (The Silver Searcher)

915 AJAX

530 Android

234 Android Studio

127 Angular CLI

152 Angular 2

103 Angular 4

130 Angular 5

883 Angular 6

265 AngularDart

681 Apache Hadoop

245 Apache Kafka

557 Apache Spark

388 APEX

362 Apollo GraphQL with React

124 Arduino

349 Async Await

160 AWK

450 Aurelia

550 AutohotKey

86 Axios

932 Babel

937 Blogger / Blogspot

776 BloomReach CMS

488 body-parser

574 Bootstrap 4

231 brainfuck

474 C++

828 canJS

355 Cassandra

613 Chart.js

547 Choo

400 CMake

373 Clojure

948 Cloud Foundry CLI (BOSH CLI)

429 CoffeeScript

95 Common Lisp

641 Conda

554 Crystal Lang

514 Cypress

104 d3.js

264 Dart

370 Debugging

430 Detox

267 dgraph

162 Django

274 Doctrine

626 dotnet (cli)

352 DynamoDB

867 Eclipse

114 EJS

268 ElasticSearch

607 Electron JS

157 Elm

169 Emacs

260 Ember.js

298 Erlang

386 ES2018

203 F

771 ffprobe

258 Figma

480 Flask

757 fluentd

909 Flutter

643 Folium

504 Font Awesome

717 forever

198 Foundation

955 Frisby.js

335 G-Code

283 Gatsby.js

81 gdb

608 getopt

531 git flow

277 Github / Pull Requests

320 Google Cloud SDK

749 GPG

606 Gradle

851 GraphViz (DOT)

161 GREP

446 Groovy

287 gRPC

236 GSAP (Greensock)

389 haproxy

735 Haskell

520 Helm

73 Hippo CMS

944 HTTP status codes

190 Hugo

341 IntelliJ

351 Ionic

87 iOS / Swift

172 IPFS

853 JAWS (Screen Reader)

188 Java

677 JavaScript this

673 Jinja2

832 Joi


322 JSON Schema

64 jq

343 Julia Lang

171 Jupyter notebook

256 Knockout

324 Kubernetes

212 Laravel

577 LXC (LXD, Linux Containers)

857 Learna JS

615 less (Unix terminal)

506 Linux

810 Liquid

230 Magento 1/2

521 Marko JS

276 MariaDB

926 Matlab

135 Maven

313 Mercurial

62 Meteor.js

831 MJML

719 mmonit

177 Mobx

166 mod_rewrite

194 MongoDB

754 Mongoose

911 MoonScript

79 MySQL

155 Nano

69 nanoc (static site generator)

425 NativeScript

353 Neo4j

605 NetBeans

383 Next.js

235 Nginx

423 Nightwatch.js

270 nmap

346 nprogress

213 NumPy

516 nvm

452 ocaml

594 OC CLI (Openshift)

571 ObjectionJS

503 oh-my-zsh plugin git

233 openssl

441 Pandas (python)

508 ParcelJS

307 Parse JS SDK

239 Perl

819 Phalcon

401 Photoshop JS Scripting

75 PHP

102 PHP 7

491 PHPStorm

240 PHPUnit

312 Polymer 2

193 PowerShell

165 Progressive Web App

257 PropTypes

502 pry-byebug

338 Puppet

636 Puppeteer

187 PyCharm

597 Python 2/3 differences)

923 R

365 RabbitMQ

797 Ramda

683 ranger

697 Razor

58 React Native

411 React Router

808 React Testing Library

546 Realm

180 ReasonML

115 Redis

427 Redux (Sagas)

469 Relay Modern

593 Resharper

821 RubyMine

309 Rust Lang

285 RXJS

780 Salesforce SFDX

871 Salt Stack

196 Scala

526 Screen

182 Selenium

219 Service Worker API

629 Shippable

179 Shopify

541 Siesta

895 Sinatra

424 Slack hotkeys

686 smalltalk


399 Solidity

692 Splunk

496 Storybook

284 Styled Components

72 SQL

675 SQLite

569 SVG

371 SVG.js

918 SVN (Subversion)

272 Symfony

638 Systemd

461 tachyons

931 tar

873 tcpdump

269 Tensorflow

767 top (htop)

748 Terraform

688 three.js

445 Trackingjs

860 Trizen

721 Truffle

806 Twig

581 w2ui


123 Webstorm Shortcuts

690 WinDbg

529 Windows Batch

782 Wireshark

226 Wordpress

712 WP CLI

829 uci (openwrt)

533 uikit

919 Ultisnips

481 unstated

543 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

553 Velocity.js

642 Verilog

598 VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)

614 VoiceOver (Mac Screen Reading)

71 VS Code shortcuts

70 VS Studio 2017 shortcuts

288 Vuex

215 YouTube-dl

372 yum

justsml commented 6 years ago

Wow, impressive work Chad!!!

rstacruz commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking care of this @chadwithuhc! :tada: