rstacruz / jquery.transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
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Added Z translate. #104

Open Nirlah opened 11 years ago

Nirlah commented 11 years ago

Added the option to set/get Z to translation transform. Changed the translation test to include Z property.

rstacruz commented 11 years ago

Does translate3d(x,y) really work without the Z?

joe1chen commented 10 years ago

+1 This change actually makes a big difference for mobile webkit since translate3d forces hardware acceleration. Without this change CSS3 is very sluggish on mobile.

positlabs commented 10 years ago


gunderson commented 10 years ago


FossPrime commented 10 years ago

+1000... is this plugin dead?

Hiswe commented 10 years ago

+1 for the hardware acceleration

dcalhoun commented 10 years ago

It looks like dynamically utilizing translate3d is already implemented in the library.

patrickkidd commented 9 years ago


floydConnard commented 9 years ago

I'm not very familiar with Git yet. What do I need to do to have this translateZ function in my basic transit.js file (minify) ?

EDIT: The doc I use to code is the main page of ; maybe I can find somewhere something more up to date, or more complete ?

EDIT II : Just pick up the file non-minify and edit it line by line. The power of github is too strong for me ;) But it works
