rstacruz / jquery.transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
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Doesn't work on iOS #171

Open singuyen opened 10 years ago

singuyen commented 10 years ago

Just done my first test on iOS 6.1.3. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Is there anyone has the same experience. Works fine on Android 4.2.

cauli commented 10 years ago

I think it does work on iOS 6.1.3. I have been using it myself for a good time. Aren't you having a javascript error that is blocking all javascript from functioning?

You can try this: window.onerror = function(message, url, linenumber) { alert("JavaScript error: " + message + " on line " + linenumber + " for " + url); }

Or look into Safari Developer console for any errors.

rolbr commented 10 years ago

iPad 3 with 6.1.3 here — and it does work quite fine. Singuyen, you might need to do further testing, but it seems this isn't a problem of jq.transit itself.

[EDIT] In reply to singuyen's comment below I'd like to confirm that the demos indeed refuse to work on my iPad. The text "hover to see them work" is changed to "tap to see them work" but other than that, nothing happens when actually tapping them.

Tested on SGS2 too, where it still says "hover to see them work" but it actually does things when tapping the boxes.

Not sure whether this is really critical though, as transit works just fine in production.

singuyen commented 10 years ago

I tried a bit on home page, doesn't seem to work for me:

The code working fine for me, but not this demo.

Cheers, Su

skymanrm commented 10 years ago

This page contains demos which interacts only with mouse.

jaltek commented 10 years ago

Indeed. The demo site seems not to work on iOS (7).

@skymanrm It depends on the browser you are using. By using a mobile browser you will get an mobile version of the demo.

finnglish commented 10 years ago

Nothing is working for me in IOS, neither my own experiments or This is the case both in Safari and Chrome 7.1. Inspecting the page, there does not seem to be any javascript errors.

inakideas commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm using transit and most of it's functionality is working in IOS but I get a weird behaviour when I try to callback some animations. I'm using complete to do the callback and the result is that the first function (the function which will be callbacked) is already done when the page is loaded. So I can only see the transition of the callback functions. I've tested the resolution and it seems to not be the problem.