rstacruz / jquery.transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
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scrolling issues #198

Open netpork opened 10 years ago

netpork commented 10 years ago

I am trying typical slide in / slide out pages thing; I have two full absolutely positioned screen containers, one of which is off screen.

panels = container.find('>');

// here i set off screen container
$(panels[1]).css({x: SCREEN_WIDTH)});
// make it visible
// do the transitions for both containers
// first container X should be transitioned from 0 to -SCREEN_WIDTH,
// while second container X should be from -SCREEN_WIDTH to 0
    x: '-=' + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2,
    duration: 500,
    easing: 'snap',
    complete: function() {

Now, only device where this thing is working fine is an Ipad, while on the desktop and android chrome I get really stuttering problematic behaviour, second container is not scrolling at all etc.. Anyone have any idea what is the best way of transitioning two containers at the same time?