rstacruz / jquery.transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
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Chained transition on multiple objects completes instantly #217

Open kilometers opened 9 years ago

kilometers commented 9 years ago

I have several divs of class .class-name. I select them all with $('.class-name') and chain animate them using .transition(...).transition(...);

The first transition animates correctly, smoothly interpolating -- however, the second transition(...) usually "snaps" immediately to the new CSS values without interpolation. I say usually because once every 5 to 7 times the animation does work. This behaviour has been observed in both Firefox and Chrome.

swinggraphics commented 8 years ago

It changes the values instantly, without delay or animation. This also happens if the second transition is put in a callback rather than chained. I have not experienced it working correctly, even sporadically.