I was not expecting the build task to create folders for all my vendor files. I would like to build packages, and leave files out, and I´m aware this was separated in previous releases. But what if I only want to build image files. Or better, how can I create packages without necessarily "serve" clauses included?
I don´t see how polluting the public dir with stylesheetsjavascriptsimagesbower_components md5 versions of all files is necessarily good.
HI, is there a better way to build? Here's my set-up:
And here´s the build! method:
I was not expecting the build task to create folders for all my vendor files. I would like to build packages, and leave files out, and I´m aware this was separated in previous releases. But what if I only want to build image files. Or better, how can I create packages without necessarily "serve" clauses included?
I don´t see how polluting the public dir with stylesheets javascripts images bower_components md5 versions of all files is necessarily good.