rstephan / ArtnetWifi

Arduino library for Art-Net (artnet) over WiFi, send and receive DMX data. Runs on ESP8266, ESP32, Pi Pico W, WiFi101 and WiFiNINA devices.
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Wifi artnet connection #10

Closed pinq- closed 5 years ago

pinq- commented 6 years ago


I tried yesterday your program "ArtnetWifiNeoPixel.ino". It connected to router and it also did do the initTest and I can see it in my router so connection is there and led controlling works. But when I try to send data to the wemos D1 mini lite, nothing happens. I tried with jinx and q light control plus. Ip is correct and universe is correct. In stead the routers wifi connection crashes and then disappears. Any good ideas what happens or how to debug this? Otherwise great code! Clean and understandable.

rstephan commented 6 years ago

Just a guess, but most likely a power supply issue. Is the WiFi connection stable in idle? Try with just one LED. Or try the ArtnetWifiDebug example, user the terminal to check your network and program setup. If you can see solid data and only the NeoPixel don't work it's a power supply problem. Even 10 LEDs can add up to 600mA extra, keep this in mind.

MFClark commented 5 years ago

using the artnetwifi example, after a power cycle the inittest runs but the wifi doesn't. nothing shows on serial monitor and I can't connect to it under the ip address that it had before the power cycle. before powering off everything is working for me. i can control the leds over wifi from two different apps on my computer with the same results. after turning it on and off only the inittest runs. i'm using huzzah esp8266 feather... at first nothing ran after a power cycle and then i changed the data pin location from 2 to 12 and reset the board . after that the inittest ran after a power cycle but still no wifi. Thank you!!

rstephan commented 5 years ago

@MFClark Try the ArtnetWifiDebug.ino example. Check the WiFi connection and the serial monitor output.

Example output:

Connected to xxx
IP address: 192.168.x.y

This is also the output of ArtnetWifiNeoPixel.ino too! It will show up before initTest(). If not, check the USB connection and port-speed.

MFClark commented 5 years ago

I had the same results with ArtnetWifiDebug.ino When I load it i get the ip address in the serial monitor, and when I sent dmx signal I could see it as plain text in the serial monitor When I disconnect the power from my board and reconnect power, nothing. I need to upload the sketch again and then it works fine. This is the same as when I use the ArtnetWifiNeopixel.ino strandtest.ino from the neopixel library persists after a power cycle, so I guess it is not about the board flash memory.

rstephan commented 5 years ago

Maybe a problem with the HUZZAH. I have tested with my Feather HUZZAH and i can't see any problem. I don't know your setup, but the HUZZAH has three power inputs (USB, battery and a pin). If you just connect the battery it is hard to read the serial ouput. My board need 5 seconds and i can ping it. If your power is the USB connection, the serial monitor will not "autoconnect" the the device. You have to close and open the serial monitor, and be sure to grab the right COM-port.

MFClark commented 5 years ago

Thank you, that was it due to my firewall settings