rstephan / ArtnetWifi

Arduino library for Art-Net (artnet) over WiFi, send and receive DMX data. Runs on ESP8266, ESP32, Pi Pico W, WiFi101 and WiFiNINA devices.
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ws2812b flickering every 1sec +- #16

Open vettorazi opened 5 years ago

vettorazi commented 5 years ago

hey guys! first of all: thanks for the library! it's the first that i tried that works with esp8266 and ws2812b. (others the stip flickers alot) this one works great but sometimes (every 2 or 1 second +-) the strip blinks. anyone has the same issue?

rstephan commented 5 years ago

It is allways hard to tell from a distance. But, how many LEDs are connected? 1 or 2 LEDs or maybe 100. More LEDs need a bigger power suppy. Try the Standtest from Adafruit to check wireing and your power suppy. Something wrong with your ArtNet transmitter?

cloverstreet commented 3 years ago

I am currently having same issue. I've checked with multiple art-net transmitters. I've removed everything (including neopixels) except for simple short print to screen commands. About every 1 seconds, the art-net data streams stops. Like the esp32 is taking a quick little break.

rstephan commented 3 years ago

@cloverstreet Flickering LEDs is different from your problem. You don't get any data once every 1 second. Because of this I suspect a network problem. Bad WiFi? Bad ESP-Antenna? Have you tried my ArtnetWifiDebug example? Is the frame-sequence in order or are there any missing frames?