rstephan / ArtnetWifi

Arduino library for Art-Net (artnet) over WiFi, send and receive DMX data. Runs on ESP8266, ESP32, Pi Pico W, WiFi101 and WiFiNINA devices.
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artnetwifi #7

Closed mzhajjar closed 6 years ago

mzhajjar commented 7 years ago


I have one project i need to use the art net WiFi for it, i have use the ESP-6288-12 with this

the project consist of 50 DMX Led Strip, each strip connect to 1 art net WiFi and using Madrix software to control them

when i connect 1 strip universe to the WiFi router it work fine and it still work fine till i connect the 10 universe

after that there is problem in synchronizing

watch these videos

i try many routers all are the same is there any solution you know about this Zaki

rstephan commented 7 years ago

First of all, there are reasons for DMX in a cable and Art-Net on ethernet (also in a cable). Using Art-Net over WiFi is possible but sould be used only for small installations and not so timing critical animations. The upper limits of the ESP8266 are not known from my perspectiv

It is hard to say, with just a video, what is going "wrong" on your side.

And finaly, many have tried to get an answer to "How many WS8212b can i connect to an ESP?" from me. I don't know. Build it and try it. That is all i can say. For your setup, it looks like 9 universes.

Are you using my library on this Ulrich Radig board? Just curiosity.