rstephan / ArtnetnodeWifi

Arduino library for a Art-Net-Node (artnet) over WiFi, handle DMX data and response to Poll requests. Runs on ESP8266, ESP32, WiFi101 and WiFiNINA devices.
80 stars 20 forks source link

Opcode unknow #18

Open jazzvivi2 opened 2 years ago

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I love your project. i have an unbranded chinese node that uses its own app to work. I am trying to build another one with your library. but the software does not detect it. I clone all the data I found mac, name, manufacturer, etc but still not detected and looking at the traffic I found an unknown opcode that doesn't follow artnet rules, besides port changes. I believe that the data of this opcode is what enables it to be recognized. I can add that response somehow?, create that opcode?. the photos with ip 0.1 are the software packages and those with ip 0.2 are those of my node ![Uploading 3201F052-D32A-41F7-B50F-E313BC3AE675.jpeg…]()

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

![Uploading 38C1B93A-2FC1-4E0D-971B-3AD433E58C9F.jpeg…]()

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

![Uploading 582691C2-9877-48B6-875C-568C15A90428.jpeg…]()

rstephan commented 2 years ago

Something went wrong with uploading the images. If your traffic was captured with wireshark, you can also copy/past relevant parts as Text/Hex-Dump.

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for answering, here I paste the information of the 4 packages. those from ip are from the app. those from ip are hardware. As I was saying, if you look at the ports they are intertwined, I think the app acts as a bridge. and there is the OpCode: Unknown (0x1005) which I think is what starts the app

Ip software

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 6455, Dst Port: 6454 Source Port: 6455 Destination Port: 6454 Length: 247 Checksum: 0xba90 [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] [Stream index: 32] [Timestamps] UDP payload (239 bytes)

Art-Net, Opcode: ArtPollReply (0x2100) Descriptor Header ID: Art-Net OpCode: ArtPollReply (0x2100) ArtPollReply packet IP Address: Port number: 6454 Version Info: 0x0100 NetSwitch: 0x00 SubSwitch: 0x00 Oem: Simon Newton: LibArtNet (0x0430) UBEA Version: 0 Status: 0x00, Port Address Programming Authority: unknown, Indicator State: unknown ESTA Code: ESTA/PLASA (0x0000) Short Name: 4 Universes Input Long Name: 4 Universes Input Service Node Report: 0000 [0000] libartnet Port Info SwVideo: Displaying local data (0x00) SwMacro: 0x00 SwRemote: 0x00 spare: 000000 Style: StNode (Art-Net to DMX device) (0x00) MAC: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) Bind IP Address: Bind Index: 0x00 Status2: 0x00, Port-Address size: 8bit Port-Address filler: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 6455, Dst Port: 6454 Source Port: 6455 Destination Port: 6454 Length: 22 Checksum: 0x4a22 [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] [Stream index: 32] [Timestamps] UDP payload (14 bytes)

Art-Net, Opcode: ArtPoll (0x2000) Descriptor Header ID: Art-Net OpCode: ArtPoll (0x2000) ProtVer: 14 ArtPoll packet TalkToMe: 0x06, Send me ArtPollReply on change, Send diagnostics messages, Send diagnostics unicast: Broadcast Priority: DpAll (0)

Ip hardware

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 6454, Dst Port: 6455 Source Port: 6454 Destination Port: 6455 Length: 247 Checksum: 0x4a6c [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] [Stream index: 33] [Timestamps] UDP payload (239 bytes)

Art-Net, Opcode: ArtPollReply (0x2100) Descriptor Header ID: Art-Net OpCode: ArtPollReply (0x2100) ArtPollReply packet IP Address: Port number: 6454 Version Info: 0x0100 NetSwitch: 0x00 SubSwitch: 0x00 Oem: Simon Newton: LibArtNet (0x0430) UBEA Version: 0 Status: 0xe0, Port Address Programming Authority: network, Indicator State: Normal Mode ESTA Code: ESTA/PLASA (0x0000) Short Name: AG_11277CE2F73C00 Long Name: AG ArtNet4DMX512_Service Node Report: #1[2]RuningOK Port Info Number of Ports: 4 Port Types Type of Port 1: Art-Net <-> DMX512 (0xc0) Type of Port 2: Art-Net <-> DMX512 (0xc0) Type of Port 3: Art-Net <-> DMX512 (0xc0) Type of Port 4: Art-Net <-> DMX512 (0xc0) Input Status Input status of Port 1: 0x00 Input status of Port 2: 0x00 Input status of Port 3: 0x00 Input status of Port 4: 0x00 Output Status Output status of Port 1: 0x80 Output status of Port 2: 0x80 Output status of Port 3: 0x80 Output status of Port 4: 0x80 Input Subswitch Input Subswitch of Port 1: 0x00 [Universe of input port 1: 0] Input Subswitch of Port 2: 0x01 [Universe of input port 2: 1] Input Subswitch of Port 3: 0x02 [Universe of input port 3: 2] Input Subswitch of Port 4: 0x03 [Universe of input port 4: 3] Output Subswitch Output Subswitch of Port 1: 0x00 [Universe of output port 1: 0] Output Subswitch of Port 2: 0x01 [Universe of output port 2: 1] Output Subswitch of Port 3: 0x02 [Universe of output port 3: 2] Output Subswitch of Port 4: 0x03 [Universe of output port 4: 3] SwVideo: Displaying local data (0x00) SwMacro: 0x00 SwRemote: 0x00 spare: 000000 Style: StNode (Art-Net to DMX device) (0x00) MAC: 08:bb:e7:06:bf:da (08:bb:e7:06:bf:da) Bind IP Address: Bind Index: 0x01 Status2: 0x08, Port-Address size: 15bit Port-Address filler: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 6455, Dst Port: 6455 Source Port: 6455 Destination Port: 6455 Length: 76 Checksum: 0xabfb [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] [Stream index: 34] [Timestamps] UDP payload (68 bytes)

Art-Net, Opcode: Unknown (0x1005) Descriptor Header ID: Art-Net OpCode: Unknown (0x1005) ProtVer: 14 Data: fa2e00c6cec9beb4bcf99fc7fa2e00c6cec9beb4bcf99fc7fa2e00c6cec9beb4bcf99fc7…

rstephan commented 2 years ago

The first 3 packets looks like normal device discovery. The last packet is an unusual frame. Normal Art-Net traffic is on port 6454, but this one is on 6455 (Src and Dst) only.

Can you capture the response from the last packet, from the original hardware? And please include the full data part.

The partial data looks like a repetition of fa2e00c6cec9beb4bcf99fc7, many times. I guess, this its the "magic" part for/from the App.

For now, my lib can only run on port 6454, as normal Art-Net devices do. But lets see what the real device replies, and maybe I can come up with a solution.

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

i managed to make it work. from what i could find out the software bridges receive on 6454 and sends node to 6455. that's why the node only works with this software. copy these packets the standard and the unknown and forward them to port 6455. the app recognized a node. As I thought, that package is the one who does the magic. Now it remains to do it with the esp8266. there is no response to that packet what it sends and receives is what I sent. I am not in the office anymore but tomorrow I will send you the complete code

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

full data


rstephan commented 2 years ago

I don't understand the bridging? There are only two parts (device and app), what must be bridged?

Normally a device (node) responds with ArtPollReply to ArtPoll from the master (controller).

Your somewhat Art-Net node does presumably two things for ArtPoll:

Am I right?

jazzvivi2 commented 2 years ago

if you're right. the app acts as a bridge between other apps and has an artnetominator-type display without this app turned on, the node does not work. I need to send Unknown (0x1005) with datafa2e00c6...

I don't know how to modify the library to send that data or if it would be easier to send the package in some way without modifying the library

rstephan commented 2 years ago

Try this (it's beta, not tested on hardware and I don't know the exact frame format!):

I have also tweaked the library a bit to make it work, so check out the latest revision.

For loop() do this

void loop()
  // we call the read function inside the loop
  uint16_t ret =;
  if (ret == OpPoll) {

And for the special sauce:

void SpecialSauce(void)
  WiFiUDP udp;
  IPAddress dst = artnetnode.getSenderIp();
  const uint16_t specialPort = ARTNET_PORT + 1;
  uint8_t artnetHeader[12];
  const uint8_t magicPacket[] = {
      0xfa, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xce, 0xc9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xbc, 0xf9, 0x9f, 0xc7,
      0xfa, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xce, 0xc9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xbc, 0xf9, 0x9f, 0xc7,
      0xfa, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xce, 0xc9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xbc, 0xf9, 0x9f, 0xc7,
      0xf7, 0x44, 0x18, 0xf9, 0x40, 0x25,
      0xf7, 0x44, 0x18, 0xf9, 0x40, 0x25,
      0xf7, 0x44, 0x18, 0xf9, 0x40, 0x25,
      0xf3, 0xff

  memcpy(artnetHeader, ArtnetnodeWifi::artnetId, strlen(ArtnetnodeWifi::artnetId) + 1);
  uint16_t opcode = 0x1005;
  artnetHeader[8] = opcode;
  artnetHeader[9] = opcode >> 8;
  uint16_t version = 14;
  artnetHeader[10] = version >> 8;
  artnetHeader[11] = version;

  udp.beginPacket(dst, specialPort);
  udp.write(artnetHeader, sizeof(artnetHeader));
  udp.write(magicPacket, sizeof(magicPacket));