rstrouse / ESPSomfy-RTS

A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds
The Unlicense
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Upgrade bricked my ESP32 #262

Closed Lectere closed 5 months ago

Lectere commented 5 months ago



Firmware version


Application version


What happened? What did you expect to happen?

Half a year ago I've installed ESPSomfy on my ESP32.

Yesterday I've upgraded from version (I think it was something around 1.7.3) to version 2.3.1.

Upgrade steps; se how to reproduce.

How to reproduce it (setp by step)

1. I went with my browser to the IP of the ESP Somfy
2. I've downloaded and installed SomfyController.ino.esp32.bin in the Web GUI, reboot
3. I've downloaded and installed SomfyController.littlefs.bin in the Web GUI, reboot
4. After the reboot, I could not access the Web GUI


No response

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

You installed the ESP32-S3 firmware do you have an ESP32-S3. If you were running 1.7.3 without recompiling then you most likely do not have an ESP32-S3 chip.

However, try this. Open a browser and enter the following url. http://<ip address of ESP32>/downloadFirmware/ver=v2.3.3

Lectere commented 5 months ago

Th s3 was a copy paste error, I used the normal one...

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

Did you run the url above from the browser? It can take a few minutes to complete.

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

It might help if I didn't mess up the url http://<ip address of ESP32>/downloadFirmware?ver=v2.3.3

Lectere commented 5 months ago

I'm gonna try that soon, thanks for the tip, let you know...

nardev commented 5 months ago

I didn't debug it but mine one is also pretty unstable. It's hard to open web config now.

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

@nardev Which chip series are you running? Also, try accessing it with the IP address to rule out any mDNS issues on the network. If you could provide a backup that would be great to run a unit with the same chip series and data.

nardev commented 5 months ago

@rstrouse as i said, i feel that it was very responsive before where now, it barely opens the web. I did't do any investigation what's happening there. Nothing changed in regards to network.

nardev commented 5 months ago

This lasts forever, actually, mostly fails to open after login.

Screenshot from 2024-02-08 20-53-51

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

@nardev is up and running #236 @Lectere you are next. Let me know how the flashing goes.

Lectere commented 5 months ago

I've started in the browser;

Nothing happens.

I can see with the ESP tool ( that it's connected to my Wifi.

I really need my config from it. I've downloaded it, but I cannot find it anymore. It should be on the ESP32 device...

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

http://<ip address>/backup should download the file.
The url above is also not correct it is http://<ip address>/downloadFirmware?ver=2.3.3

It should take a couple of minutes to finish and it needs internet access.

Lectere commented 5 months ago

I managed to download the config file... But it's 0 bytes... :(

So, I can ping the device.

Lectere commented 5 months ago

Funny, on the download URL I get this error now;

{"status":"ERROR","desc":"Release not found in repo."}

Lectere commented 5 months ago

On the console;

Connecting to AP Set hostname to:ESPSomfyRTS

Successfully Connected to WiFi!!!! (-58dbm) MDNS Responder Started: serverId=DD8568 Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 170236 Min Heap: 167796 App Version:2.3.2 shades.cfg exists so we are using that Reading header at 0 version:20 len:66 roomSize:29 roomRecs:0 shadeSize:276 shadeRecs:2 groupSize:194 groupRecs: 0 pos:66 Applying radio settings Setting Data Pins RX:12 TX:13 Setting SPI Pins SCK:18 MISO:19 MOSI:23 CSN:5 Radio Pins Configured! Successfully set up the radio Enabled receive on Pin #12 Timing: 1 Initializing RX Queue Check github for updates... Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 169648 Min Heap: 163592 Internet is Available: 2027ms [HTTPS] GET... code: 200 [HTTPS] GET... code: 200 - -1 Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 163328 Min Heap: 109040 Loading file /index.html

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry apparently I cannot type the version is v2.3.3 not 2.3.3 the correct url is http://<ip address>/downloadFirmware?ver=v2.3.3

The error message was correct and the last line in the log indicates that it cannot finish loading the index.html file from the filesystem. This should fix the issue.

Lectere commented 5 months ago

I've been at this project for 5 months now. Tried 5 different ESP boards. Still not going, I've bought a LilyGO T-Internet POE because wifi seems to get lost all the time...

I had it working with version 1.7.3 but wifi kept disconnecting. Maybe it was the esp32 from china...

But, the download firmware seems to go now;


Thanks for the help btw.

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

Let it finish it will take about 2 minutes. Sorry this is taking so long to get going.

Lectere commented 5 months ago

you don't have to apologize for that. I don't know what it is. But somehow I've been busy for months. Problem is, I have kids so not a lot of time to focus. And apperently everything that can go wrong, went wrong. So anyhow,. I bought one of these LilyGO T-Internet POE. Cannot flash firmware on it... I don't know how it works. Googled it ofcourse, find a ardruno think where you can compile your own software. I don't need that, I just want the ESPSomfy image on it...

But back to the esp32 wifi, I think it's uploaded the firmware on it now. But still cannot access the webpage...

Lectere commented 5 months ago

So, when I go to wifi acces point mode;

I can ping it;


But no success via the browser;


rstrouse commented 5 months ago

I think the LilyGO T-Internet POE requires a flasher board. It must be installed to flash the firmware and removed afterward.

What are you seeing in the logs when the ESP32 starts up?

Lectere commented 5 months ago

Really, a flasher board, just to get an image on it... ffs.,.. my god, another 20 euro and another week...

In the log's;

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0030,len:1344 load:0x40078000,len:13836 load:0x40080400,len:3608 entry 0x400805f0 E (283) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff

Startup/Boot.... Mounting File System... File system mounted successfully Chip Model ESP32- Preference IP Free Entries: 495 SECURITY Type:0 Username:[] Password:[] Pin:[] Permissions:0 Connection Type: 1 NTP Settings TZ:CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 WIFI Settings SSID: [XXXXXXX] PassPhrase: [XXXXXXXXXX]

Launching web server... Creating Web MicroServices... WiFi Mode: 0 Scanned 2 Networks...

Socket Server Started... Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 178052 Min Heap: 176128 Connecting to AP Set hostname to:ESPSomfyRTS

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

Yeah most of the ethernet boards require such a device.

Is there actually an SSID and passphrase in there? The next line after the Set hostname should be a series of * that indicate it is attempting to communicate with your wifi network. And when it connects it should return an IP Address as below.

13:29:18.703 -> Connecting to AP
13:29:18.843 -> Set hostname to:ESPSomfyRTS
13:29:19.409 -> ****
13:29:20.904 -> Successfully Connected to WiFi!!!! (-53dbm)
13:29:20.951 -> MDNS Responder Started: serverId=49E4AC
13:29:25.943 -> Max Heap: 110580
13:29:25.943 -> Free Heap: 170004
13:29:25.943 -> Min Heap: 160296
Lectere commented 5 months ago

Startup/Boot.... Mounting File System... File system mounted successfully Chip Model ESP32- Preference IP Free Entries: 494 SECURITY Type:0 Username:[] Password:[] Pin:[] Permissions:0 Connection Type: 1 NTP Settings TZ:CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 WIFI Settings SSID: [xxxx PassPhrase: [xxxx]

Launching web server... Creating Web MicroServices... WiFi Mode: 0 Scanned 3 Networks... dsf Socket Server Started... Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 177964 Min Heap: 176016 Connecting to AP Set hostname to:ESPSomfyRTS

Successfully Connected to WiFi!!!!192.168.x.x (-54dbm) MDNS Responder Started: serverId=DD8568 Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 170308 Min Heap: 168084 App Version:2.3.2 shades.cfg exists so we are using that Reading header at 0 version:1 len:0 roomSize:0 roomRecs:0 shadeSize:0 shadeRecs:0 groupSize:0 groupRecs: 0 pos:0 Invalid Shade Record Size:0 Shade config file invalid! Applying radio settings Setting Data Pins RX:12 TX:13 Setting SPI Pins SCK:18 MISO:19 MOSI:23 CSN:5 Radio Pins Configured! Error setting up the radio Initializing RX Queue Check github for updates... Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 170108 Min Heap: 163972 Internet is Available: 1695ms [HTTPS] GET... code: 200 [HTTPS] GET... code: 200 - -1 Max Heap: 110580 Free Heap: 165248 Min Heap: 112828

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

Ok so it is not starting in AP mode.

With it connected try accessing it with the IP address and watch the log. Interestingly it appears to not have v2.3.3 on it even after the downloadFirmware. Which ESP32 is this?

EDIT: I just went back through your logs. It is not initializing the radio. Do the pin settings above match where you have the transceiver connected or is it removed completely?

Lectere commented 5 months ago

I've managed to download a config file. That was around 400 bytes bug. After that, I've decided to reflash the ESP32 with a new image 2.3.3. That worked.

I tried importing the settings from the backup, but that didn't work. So I need to re-learn the device.

I think the hardware I had was flaky, that in combination with a half failed upgrade.. Thanks so much for the help and the great project rstrouse! I think I'm gonna try the POE version.

Again thanks, this can be closed.

rstrouse commented 5 months ago

Thanks for letting me know. If you look in your browser downloads you may have a backup file in there that is not 0 or 400 bytes.