rstrouse / ESPSomfy-RTS

A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds
The Unlicense
430 stars 32 forks source link

invalid header: 0x64616873 after Flashing with ESPHome #285

Closed sthayduk closed 4 months ago

sthayduk commented 4 months ago



Firmware version


Application version


What happened? What did you expect to happen?

I try to flash to a ESP32 with ESP Home. Unfortunately, it will not boot after flashing with invalid header: 0x64616873

How to reproduce it (step by step)

1.) Downlaoded SomfyController.ino.esp32.bin
2.) Go to
3.) Install and choose file


ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
invalid header: 0x64616873
sthayduk commented 4 months ago

Additionally, if I try to flash it with ESPHome-Flasher. It will flash and boot, but then I get an error regarding little-fs.

Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying again... Connecting.... Detecting chip type... ESP32 Connecting....

Chip Info:

Leaving... Hard Resetting... Hard resetting via RTS pin... Done! Flashing is complete!

Showing logs: [15:33:09]E (432) esp_core_dump_flash: ɕdump partition found! [15:33:09]E (432) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition fo [15:33:09]Startup/Boot.... [15:33:09]Mounting File System... [15:33:09]E (10) esp_littlefs: ./components/esp_littlefs/src/littlefs/lfs.c:1347:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1} [15:33:09] [15:33:09]E (11) esp_littlefs: mount failed, (-84) [15:33:09]E (15) esp_littlefs: Failed to initialize LittleFS [15:33:09]Error mounting file system [15:33:09]Chip Model ESP32- [15:33:09]Preference IP Free Entries: 621 [15:33:14]SECURITY Type:0 Username:[] Password:[] Pin:[] Permissions:0 [15:33:14]Connection Type: 1 [15:33:14]NTP Settings [15:33:14] TZ: [15:33:14]WIFI Settings [15:33:14] SSID: [] PassPhrase: [] [15:33:14] [15:33:14]Launching web server... [15:33:14]Creating Web MicroServices... [15:33:15]WiFi Mode: 0 [15:33:19]Scanned 17 Networks... [15:33:19] 0: SuperWireless (-54dBm) CH:3 MAC:46:22:54:6E:5D:21 [15:33:19]1: (-55dBm) CH:3 MAC:46:22:54:6E:5D:20 [15:33:19]2: (-64dBm) CH:3 MAC:5A:22:54:6E:6F:4D [15:33:19] 3: SuperWireless (-65dBm) CH:3 MAC:5A:22:54:6E:6F:4E [15:33:19] 4: FRITZ!Box 7530 FM (-80dBm) CH:11 MAC:98:9B:CB:B5:2D:68 [15:33:19]5: (-84dBm) CH:5 MAC:96:9A:4A:FC:8B:94 [15:33:19] 6: IlyHome (-85dBm) CH:5 MAC:90:9A:4A:FC:8B:94 [15:33:19] 7: Tenda_F4E250 (-88dBm) CH:6 MAC:50:0F:F5:F4:E2:5C [15:33:19] 8: DIRECT-3B-HP Laser 179fnw (-89dBm) CH:11 MAC:7E:4D:8F:6F:4D:3B [15:33:19] 9: SuperWireless (-90dBm) CH:3 MAC:4A:22:54:6E:6F:62 [15:33:19] 10: PBS-6D805D (-91dBm) CH:1 MAC:D4:D1:84:6D:80:62 [15:33:19]11: (-91dBm) CH:3 MAC:4A:22:54:6E:6F:61 [15:33:19]12: (-92dBm) CH:6 MAC:50:0F:F5:F4:E2:56 [15:33:19]13: (-93dBm) CH:10 MAC:EA:FA:C4:46:61:7A [15:33:19]*14: (-94dBm) CH:8 MAC:2E:87:BA:EC:4E:36 [15:33:19] 15: Deko_80CC (-94dBm) CH:8 MAC:28:87:BA:EC:4E:36 [15:33:19] 16: DECO (-95dBm) CH:10 MAC:E4:FA:C4:46:61:7A [15:33:19]Socket Server Started... [15:33:19]Max Heap: 110580 [15:33:19]Free Heap: 185836 [15:33:19]Min Heap: 183384 [15:33:19] [15:33:19]Turning the HotSpot On [15:33:19]Initializing AP for credentials modification [15:33:19] [15:33:19]SoftAP IP:

sthayduk commented 4 months ago

I found the issue! Sorry for that, i've used the wrong bin File for flashing!