rstrouse / ESPSomfy-RTS

A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds
The Unlicense
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issue firmware #365

Closed YvesDC closed 1 month ago

YvesDC commented 1 month ago


I use the following ESP :

and installed the firmware. I tried first with the S3 an later the other firmware


installation is succesful,

but after restarting I never get a wifi AP?

Coudl you confirm the ESP is OK and which firmware I should use

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

You should download the file for that board and extract the SomfyController.onboard.esp32.bin file from it. Then use this .bin file to onboard the firmware. This contains the all of the files required to run the software. You must extract the onboard file from the archived zip file.

That board is an early esp32 version which they designated as ESP32S but they dropped the designation later when they released the S2 and S3.

YvesDC commented 1 month ago

I did not look very well and took the wrong SomfyController.ino.esp32.bin instead of the onboarding. Thank you ! yves

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Now that you have the proper firmware I will close this for now.