rstrouse / ESPSomfy-RTS

A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds
The Unlicense
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The module is not working #373

Closed Jeff2405 closed 1 month ago

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago



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What happened? What did you expect to happen?

hello I just bought an ESP32C3 mini with an SMA CC1101.I configured as follows and it doesn't work. My remote control is a somfy T4300. Sans titre 20240515_210734 20240515_210805 20240515_210722 20240515_210815

How to reproduce it (step by step)

1. Go to...
2. Click on...


No response

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Take a picture of the front and back of your remote.

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

20240516_071519 ![Uploading 20240516_071526.jpg…]()

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

![Uploading 20240516_071526.jpg…]()

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Ok I know that is a 73400 not a T3400.

Do you have a picture of the pinout for that board? Is it this? image

Also can you take a better picture of the CC1101 connections?

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago


Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago


rstrouse commented 1 month ago

I cannot see which pins you have connected to the CC1101. Take a picture of the CC1101 were I can see the connector and the orientation of the board.

EDIT: This is the second one of these branded boards where there was no response from the CC1101 even when everything is hooked up correctly. I do some follks discussing interrupt issues with this board and workarounds to the issue.

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

Here are the photos If this ESP card doesn't work, which one should I get? 20240517_175808 20240517_175846 20240517_175835

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

If this ESP card doesn't work, which one should I get?

Honestly I love the Xiao ESP32S3. I did a build with it and the S3 chip is blazingly fast with everything. It is very small and the Wifi is spectacular.

As an aside when you are testing I assume you have an antenna screwed into the connector on the transceiver. Is that correct?

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

yes I have a connected antenna

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Now that I have the pics I will double check your wiring but I suspect that it is correct. I am so used to folks not wiring correctly.

There is another user with this board having issues and I see reports online that the edge interrupts do not work correctly on it. However, I have another version of the C3 where it does work correctly but there are similar reports online for it.

One think to note is that the C series chips use a RISC-V architecture that may simply be harder for the board suppliers to get right.

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Here is what I see on your wiring is this correct?

Tr Pin Color Func ESP32
1 Black GND GND
2 Red 3v3 3v3
3 White GDO0/TX GPIO9
4 Brown CSN GPIO7
7 Yellow MISO GPIO5
8 Orange GDO2/RX GPIO10

If it is try (without changing any wiring) changing the RX and TX setting to GPIO9 in the configuration then press Save Radio. Then see if you get any frames from the remote.

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

It still doesn't work even when reversing

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

I took this file Capture d'écran 2024-05-17 212125

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

For a C3 that is the correct file. I don't want you to reverse it I want you to set the TX and the RX settings to GPIO9 and hook that up to Pin3 on the transceiver.

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

I link RX and TX together??

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

You can ignore the GDO2 connection. ESPSomfy RTS will multiplex on GDO0.

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

I now have the radio not initialized

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

it's good the radio I put on RX GPIO 09 and ela still doesn't work

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Did the radio not initialized message go away with that configuration where you have GPIO9 for RX/TX?

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

no it was a wire that was unplugged

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

it s ok thank you

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Are you up and running or are you still having problems?

Jeff2405 commented 1 month ago

yes it works I think it's a soldering problem on the esp

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

Awesome closing this!