rstrouse / ESPSomfy-RTS

A controller for Somfy RTS shades and blinds
The Unlicense
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Docker port #374

Closed cook1emr closed 1 month ago

cook1emr commented 1 month ago

Has anyone looked at porting this firmware over to docker? These USB C1011 dongle maybe good hardware to allow this.

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

I am pretty sure that would take a bit more than just porting the firmware to docker. ESPSomfy RTS communicates with the transceiver over SPI and not over RS232. There would need to be some driver work done to bitbang on RS232. In the end you would be back to an MCU.

I guess what I am saying is that it is possible but I don't see a need for it.

cook1emr commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the response, I truly appreciate it.

In terms of use case I think projects like zigbee2mqtt or zwavejs are good examples. Being able to attach radios to a single machine runing a docker stack acting as a hub can offer simplicity and flexibility.

Would this SPI project be useful to create a USB to spi bridge

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

You do know that both those projects have a dependency on a RS232 serial dongle that is most often attached to a USB-Serial adapter. I suppose a Z chip could be connected to some other interface (I2c, SPI ... etc) but I haven't seen that exist in the wild.

In this instance the requirement of a CPU running docker or on a bare metal OS level would dramatically complicate the solution. I believe that docker stack is probably a linux OS for both of the above. Driver wise it is likely mapped to a tty port in the OS but the entire project would need a specific port to run with the spi bridge library above. In the end I doubt that the dongle could handle the protocol detection for the receive portion since the preamble lengths and silence vary depending on the protocol.

rstrouse commented 1 month ago

I am going to close this as I don't plan to create a docker port.