rstrouse / nodejs-poolController-dashPanel

A dashboard panel for tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController
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Odd dashpanel behavior using intellicenter and ultratemp heat cool pump #35

Closed lockeandev closed 3 years ago

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

I have an intellicenter i8PS with an ultratemp heat/cool heat pump. when I have the unit set to heat, the cooling icon shows in the dash panel and the dashpanel says "cooling". also, the radio button only show "off" and blank options. I can't select the blank option and once the off option is selected, the only way to get the heater back "on" is to do so from the intellicenter panel itself, or from the pentair intellicenter app.

2021-08-22 22_45_15-Pool Control Dashboard
rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Wow that is very odd. I'll have a look at your replay. There are other users that have Ultratemp and we worked through some issues with the way it was reporting. Fortunately, I documented what we found with that one but there were a number of bytes that were never populated on that one. Perhaps you may help us fill in some gaps with the settings.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Can you tell me what expansions you have installed on your i8PS?

It looks like we are detecting an i8PS personality card, a valve expansion module, and what was originally identified as an iChlor multiplexer card. However, I didn't think they had even started shipping that card yet. Do you have one of these for multiple chlorinators?

I would be really interested in a picture of the card installations in your IntelliCenter if that is possible. This would be of the flip down plate at the top of the IntelliCenter control box.

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

I have an i8PS personality card (although I don't have a spa), a valve expansion module, and the third card is a Pool Cover expansion Module (PN 522039Z). I don't have an iChlor Multiplexer card.

I have an air and water temp sensor, but just have a 10k resistor in the solar sensor location as I don't have solar.

I can take a picture later tonight.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Ok so I the first thing you need to do is update the firmware on your IntelliCenter. Perhaps because you do not have a spa the bugs may not be so glaring but there were so many on 1.040. The one thing that will end up driving you nuts is what it does with heaters and setpoints related to the schedules. It will randomly change these values on you (actually it is not random but it feels like it is as each time it triggers a schedule the solar setpoints get switched out for the heater setpoints). There are a ton of other items but that was the thing that caused me the greatest grief.

1.047 is much more stable. Quite a few of the settings on 1.040 didn't work correctly so please update your system.

It looks like we have the bits flipped between the mux card and the cover controller so thank you for that. I have also found that we probably need another bit of code for the solar sharing on the heater with the Ultratemp because of the requirement for the solar temp probe when running the Ultratemp without a solar or gas backup. The previous user with Ultratemp had solar as well so that blank item would have read Solar Preferred.

I'll push out another update in the next 24 hours after I have examined the replay completely. Thanks again.

EDIT: Here is a link to the firmware.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

I have verified a few things with the replay. Your byte output from the heater is correct but IntelliCenter is ignoring the cooling bytes and treating the UltraTemp as a regular old heat pump which has much of the functionality but not all of it. This is another area of the 1.040 firmware that had fixes applied when Pentair released 1.047.

Upgrading your firmware should make dashPanel and njsPC recognize the settings on the heater. I will have an update shortly to identify your cover controller correctly tonight but we don't surface any of the cover information yet in dashPanel. We were waiting until we ran into somebody that has one installed to see what kind of interface is needed.

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

Looks like the firmware update fixed the cooling and heating indicators on dash panel. The heat mode still says "off" when the heater or cooler is definitely on, and the Solar preferred option is still blank. Not sure what is supposed to be listed on the heat mode but heater status appears to update correctly now.

I thought I had updated the firmware before this and when I went out to do it just now, the wireless update said I was up to date. I had to do the update from USB. Screenshot_20210823-181754-01 Screenshot_20210823-182156-01

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

I will post an update tomorrow that fixes this issue. There is a conflict with the heatpump settings.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

I pushed up a couple of updates. I would like you to update both njsPC and dashPanel. Then capture another replay and post it here.

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

I know how to install both but is there a best practice for updating? I've just been deleting the git cloned folders in the home directory and recloning and reinstalling via npm install

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Navigate to each directory and type git pull npm i

Do this for each directory.

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

Done, It looks like it worked for the most part. when I first loaded the dashpanel it said "Solar Only" for the heat mode. once I made changes to the thermostat settings it updated. Although now, my 5 group circuits have disappear from the features. They briefly reappeared during the config reload, but then disappeared when the config reload was complete. If I go into the circuits and then save a group circuit, it reappears in the features in the dashpanel. I didn't capture the process in the first replay tonight ( So I did a 2nd one tonight (

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I will have a look. I have a suspicion regarding the group circuits.

The solar only display is because IntelliCenter was still sending information regarding the configuration. njsPC was still waiting on the heater settings before it can apply the correct terminology to the output for dashPanel to display. Heaters configurations are some of the last equipment items sent prior to moving on to the schedules.

Are all the options for heat modes and status' now correct for your configuration?

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Well, my suspicions were wrong regarding the Circuit Groups.

What browser are you using? Please perform a hard refresh of the dashPanel browser.
To do this: In Windows: Hold down the ctrl key + F5. On Mac (anything but Safari): shift + command + R On Mac using Safari: It is stupid in that you need to go into the options and clear the cache for the dashPanel URL. This is true in IPad as well.

lockeandev commented 3 years ago

I only have the two options, Off and Ultra temp only, and those are now correct. Thanks.

I was using chrome, both on windows and android. Now that I have saved the circuit groups they all show up correctly. I will have to try to reproduce the behavior when I get home tonight. If the behavior persists after a hard refresh, I can open a new issue if you prefer.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

One of the things that may have not been set is the Show As Feature checkbox. If it isn't checked then dashPanel will not display it on the features section.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

I am going to close this. Open another issue if you have additional problems.