rstrouse / nodejs-poolController-dashPanel

A dashboard panel for tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController
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Home Page: The schedule “names” (except for the last one as indicated in the screen capture) is not loading or visible. #4

Closed cmc0619 closed 4 years ago

cmc0619 commented 4 years ago

Home Page: The schedule “names” (except for the last one as indicated in the screen capture) is not loading or visible. 2020-06-21_10-06-41 replay (2).zip

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Uhhh. I thought I did that but who knows. lol... Just did it again. 2020-07-02_18-42-31 Lets try this again... Thanks so much! replay (2).zip

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Much better this time. It may be a couple of days as I have been instructed that I must get out of my chair for a couple of days.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

No problem... I totally understand and I will be doing the same. lol... Have a good weekend!! Thanks much!!

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Ok so a couple of things. Go into the logging tab on dashPanel and turn off your logging. The reason why I thought you had not selected the checkbox earlier is because you have the packet logger turned on. Turn off all the options on this page and for good measure click the Clear Messages button to delete the couple of hundred thousand messages you have logged thus far. image

I have gone through the messages and verified that the suspect messages are identical. However, it appears that Pentair shifted the state message by 4 bits for features. I have omitted processing for this message when it comes to features as there is another location where these are applied when the firmware is 1.047. Perhaps when the firmware is released I will scrape this message again since it shows the changes pretty rapidly when there is delay on the OCP. For now though it is too hard to tell if they made further changes on this byte series.

So I need you to first turn off the logging as indicated above then update both dashPanel and poolController then Reload Config. After you have done that you can go into your logs directory for the pool controller and delete the files in there as these are probably pretty big by now.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r. Thanks very much!

  1. I navigated to the Logging tab and ALL of the radio buttons in the Packets box are clicked OFF now. Application is still ON and level is: Info. It looks just like your example above.
  2. I clicked on the "Clear Messages" box.
  3. I updated dashpanel and poolcontroller, rebooted the pi, reloaded config in the dashpanel and hard refreshed the browser.
  4. Deleted all of the .log files in the ~/nodejs-poolController-next/logs $ directory.

What next? Do you need me to send you a new capture now or do some testing? Thanks again!!

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

I hope they make the release soon for the beta firmware but I don't think I will try to guess what they are doing with beta firmware in the future.

Please update nodejs-PoolController and dashPanel then lets reassess what items are still acting funny. You will need to do a Reload Config after you have updated and have it all back up and running.

So, I have refactored the code to get the feature states from a different location for 1.047. I'm hoping that pulling the states from this different message will now stabilize them and the output will reflect the correct states when you press the Skim Winter circuit group. We want to see Pool, Pump 30, and Skim Only turn on when you turn on this circuit group.

You also mentioned earlier that the sunrise and sunset settings didn't allow an offset for the schedule. Is this a feature that exists on the beta software?

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r. Regarding 1.047 (or any other betas). Please go to TFP (looks like you're on there) and check your PM there. I can explain more there.

  1. Just now attempted to do a second update this morning but in both directories, I'm getting "Already up to date", so I guess that I have the latest when I updated a couple of hours ago.
  2. Did another Reload Config just to be sure and another browser hard refresh.
  3. Clicked Skim Winter and it's doing the same exact thing. In the home screen, The Pool, Pump 30 and Skim Only circuits indicate on and ARE on. But the “Speed 2700” circuit still indicates ON but it is NOT really on. But when I turn off Skim Winter, then pool, Pump 30 and Skim only circuits turn off but then it turns on the Speed “2700” Feature Circuit, but it indicates the “Pump 50” circuit is ON in the Home Page. When I turn off the Pump 50 from the Home Page, in reality, it turns OFF the “Speed 2700” Feature Circuit. Thanks for staying with this.
gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Oh, just remembered.... Sorry if I gave you the impression there was Sunset or Sunrise "offset" time settings in the current UI's. There is not (although this is something that Pentair has promised for a while, but still hasn't delivered on). I think my intent was to suggest if there was a way to code that somehow in the UI, so that feature was available. Thanks..

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Alright I have gone through the replay but now I want to do it where I get the information while the speed 2700 feature is still on. Could you please start with everything turned off on the pool then start the capture. After the capture is started turn on the Skim Winter then stop the capture. You can turn off the Skim Winter after you stop the capture.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Okay. Here we go. Thanks! replay (3).zip

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Just to be sure, have you ever had an expansion load center installed? Also what additional Pentair control panels do you have installed? Do you have more than one indoor panel or a wireless one? There is an interesting byte that we weren't sure what it did but your extended status has a value in that byte as 1 where we have always seen it as 0 and yours is 1. The neighboring bytes indicate the master panel type.

I have also witnessed something that is pretty odd with your setup. When you turn on the group Skim Winter group, I see the messages that I would expect. This includes the the features identified in the group as on. However, when you turn the group off it turns on a feature that you no longer have defined in your setup. This is coming from the OCP and it used to exist between Pump 35 and P/S Suction. It appears to have been named Feature 8 at one point. Maybe it was added then immediately deleted but it appears to have been attached to something either a valve, pump, or group at the time it was deleted.

I have not seen this behavior before. It makes me wonder if setting the pool up from scratch with your configuration settings might alleviate some of your angst with IntelliCenter in general. It almost makes me want to write a backup/restore that re-indexes the circuit, feature, and group ids.

I added some code to jump over this non-existent feature so pull a new poolController and dashPanel.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r., Thanks...

  1. No Expansion LC. No other control panels like the wired or wireless touchscreens, spa-side remote or anything like that. Just the one load center w/touchscreen.

  2. Over the last year and a half. There have been times where I have created a Feature Circuit and/or Circuit Group for testing purposes in order to find out if this or that would work for purposes of helping others out. Sounds like when a circuit or circuit group gets deleted, it doesn't delete everything.

  3. Now for the good news. I updated and reloaded. I tested every Circuit Group. All indications on the Dashboard are correct and I crosschecked the actual functionality using an open window of the Pentair web client. Everything turned on and then turned off correctly. Nice Job!!

  4. I guess I could wipe the configurations at some point if we need to. aargh 😄

  5. Are you game to move to the scheduling page issues?

I really appreciate you fixing those major Circuit Group issues!!

rstrouse commented 4 years ago
  1. This byte may just be Pentair getting around to features that they are implementing incrementally. There were a ton of these when I upgraded from 1.023 to 1.040. I don't recommend the wireless control panel. It is pretty worthless because it goes to sleep and can sometimes take minutes to update its status. During that time it can't even hold open a door. I have MobileTouch before. While it was very reliable you had to burn $500 every two years for a battery. It was a LiPo pack that I could never find cell replacements for.

  2. You are correct with the features and feature groups. But even more insidious is when you attach said circuit, feature, or group to a pump or valve. It will show up as a generated number in the interface. I have seen a lot of complaints about things being out of whack on TFP but users don't realize that they moved things around on the controller and IntelliCenter didn't re-arrange it for them.

  3. Well that is good news. I have been banging my head trying to figure out why it wouldn't do what I expected. However, I think that the code that jumps over these stray features was what did it. I even tried to replicate it by adding and deleting features but couldn't make the same scenario. Wanna bet that it was only possible on prior firmware? I think you and I started with this system about the same time. I installed mine about the time you were talking about upgrading on TFP. I scrapped my whole IntelliTouch load center and started over.

  4. Don't do this now. I have resolved to backup and restore a configuration. This should be of interest to you as it will allow you to run multiple configurations depending on the season. Why have a Skim Winter in the middle of the summer?

  5. Absolutely!

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r, Yes agree with your thoughts on additional controllers. One could simply just buy an iPad 10.2 w/WiFi & Cellular for about the same price as an IntelliCenter wireless remote transceiver and run the Pentair web client (or like some of us and run the DashPanel) on the iPad. Not only do you get the same functionality but now you get all of the other benefits of an iPad on top of it.

Okay, great regarding the schedule page/edit issue. So here is what I did if this helps. I ran a capture log like you have showed me and attempted to edit a time in a schedule and saved. I then got the error and then I canceled the capture. replay (5).zip


It you need me to do it differently, just LMK and I'll do that. As always, thank you very much!! gw

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Excellent! Thanks for the capture. I posted up some changes based on the information you provided. This gets us to a point where I can put in some the changed values in for the upcoming firmware. The issue is that they changed the original set of values for the heat source from 0 = Off, 3 = Heater, 5 = Solar, 21 = Solar Preferred, 32 = Don't Change to something else. In the mix are also hybrid settings for heat pumps but we won't worry about those right now. Unfortunately, you only have a gas heater but we will do our best to get the first couple and the last value. Sadly this function is broken in the current firmware, but the release notes indicate they fixed it so maybe I will see light soon.

Get the changes I just posted up for poolController. Then start the capture and modify the schedule by changing the heat source in the IntelliCenter web app (if it's up) to whatever value you may have in the list. Take note of the order of the values you changed it to. So far I think 0 = Off but I have no idea what the rest of them are.

Do this with only one schedule. Once you have completed changing to each available option go back and cancel the capture. Don't forget to set it back to what you want on the schedule. Post the replay up here and tell me the order in which you saved the selections.

Thanks Again.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r, Understand most but I'm a bit confused about this part "modify the schedule by changing the heat source in the IntelliCenter web app (if it's up) to whatever value you may have in the list. Take note of the order of the values you changed it to. So far I think 0 = Off but I have no idea what the rest of them are."

There is nothing in the edit schedule window to allow for changing a heat source. You can use the Circuit pull-down to designate a Circuit (AUX, Feature or Group) to schedule and then of course the various time/day configs but that's it.

Am I missing something? Thanks...

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Oh it has to be a body schedule. This is the only way I know how to suss out the values. Other schedules don't transmit it. image

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Oh wow you don't have a schedule to cycle the pool circuit and turn over the water.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

AH HA... So, I will first create a new schedule for this purpose I assume. Then I'll follow your instructions and grap a capture. 👍 Thanks!!

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Oh wow you don't have a schedule to cycle the pool circuit and turn over the water. Right, no need. Most of my schedules call for groups and embedded in those groups are the pool or spa circuits.

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Probably why you haven't seen the heatSource / temp issues. Might have to do some rearranging to get around them for now but I have an HA schedule that resets the temp every night right now.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Got the Controller update but now the Pentair servers are down (what's new lol...) As soon as they come back up, I'll get you the capture.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r., Okay, here we are. Servers are back up.

  1. I created a new schedule which calls for the "Spa" circuit.
  2. Began the capture.
  3. Changed the Heat Source from "Don't Change" to "OFF" and clicked SAVE.
  4. Then changed the Heat Source from "OFF" to "Heater" and clicked SAVE.
  5. Cancelled the Capture.

2020-07-08_13-25-26 replay (6).zip

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Well that was unexpected 0=No Change, 1=Off, 2=Heater.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

r, Sorry for the late response. Been really busy transitioning/migrating to a new workstation. And I've also noticed that you have been helping a few others with some higher priority issues. Is there anything that you need from me to help keep the schedule edit issues moving along? Thanks much...

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

No worries. I have added functions to remap the heatSource when it is fw1.047. If I could get you do update both servers and try again. I had to guess at some of the settings since you don't have a heat pump or solar but by the time the firmware is released it will be a matter of simply changing a few values after several minutes of testing.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

🕺 WooHoo.... That did the trick!! I opened up every current schedule and changed various time and date values, clicked save and no errors!! I had the Pentair web client open in another window and watched the values change there in real-time. Outstanding. I finally have an interface that I can actually edit an existing schedule on now (other than at the panel itself).
Nice job!!!! 👍 Please let me know how I can repay the favor (testing something out for you, grabbing a capture or whatever).. Thanks so much... btw... It is rumored that v1.047 may be publicly released in the next few weeks. But you know how "rumors" are... lol

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

Yep when I first saw the heat source I had a feeling that these weren't where they wanted to go. Right now the code forks for 1.047 but only 1.047. The release may be a different number but that will allow us to put a pin in it permanently.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

For me, I think that pretty much cleans up all of the initial problems that I was experiencing. You're already aware of the General > Alerts & Security boxes (small potatoes) and the Heaters and Remotes tabs., so if I can leave you alone for awhile now, you might have time to get to those lol....

Let me ask you a question about something that I have been wondering about.... Would there be any way to introduce a "sorting" or "re-organization" function or ability for the Feature Circuits, Circuit Groups and the Schedules to be reorganized.

I would really like to be able to re-organize those three in a fashion that makes much more sense to me. In the beginning, I tried to do it by creating those items in an order that I liked but it had a mind of it's own and always put them in some discombobulated order. And there might have caused some of the problems that you encountered when you were asking me if I had deleted and recreated feature circuits and schedules...

Anyway, just curious. I'm just super-happy that all of the important features of the dashpanel are working like a charm for me right now. Thanks so much for all of the effort that you have put in to this...

rstrouse commented 4 years ago

On the issue of organization. We have discussed some direction on this. I see not only sorting but a room moniker that allows us to push equipment lists into specific pages. The reason why you couldn't order these like you want is because the controller will sometimes reuse an identifier when defining a new feature, circuit, or group. These are then sorted by id order. Right or wrong there is actually a method to the madness. We have some structural hardening to do related to new pieces of equipment that have surfaces but after that, we may get some time to extend capabilities. I may go back add some CSS for themes and iPhone.

For now, we are shoring up all the equipment items that we find in the wild. Chemistry configuration is nearing its end but still has some items that are outstanding for Chem Controllers like IntelliChem. Heaters are next on the chopping block but they will likely only get partially finished until I find someone with an UltraTemp or hybrid heat pump. There is also something goofy with the cooling parameters for solar in the current firmware or maybe the problem exists somewhere between my chair and the keyboard. Covers and remotes will be a short trip on the candy ship. Going back to security and notifications, these are low on the priority list as we are not sure how far we want to take these.

gw8674 commented 4 years ago

Very Cool. Thanks for the current status rundown. Sounds great.. As usual, you guys are all over this.

I'm so pleased that I choose this route for my IntelliCenter interface and I'm looking forward to the changes and improvements as this UI just keeps getting better and better.

Please let me know how I can assist in any way (but don't forget, I'm a "bigtime" noob, especially when it comes to Node.js)... I do have a dialogue with a few folks who are employing UltraTemps alongside their IntelliCenters. Maybe I can persuade them to come over to the "darkside" lol and we can get that data you need to finish that part up...

Thanks again so much!!