rstudio-education / stat545

A :book: on data wrangling, exploration, & analysis with R - created by Jenny Bryan, made with bookdown
148 stars 92 forks source link

Update links to old site #45

Open jennybc opened 4 years ago

jennybc commented 4 years ago

Manual transfer from

Inlining the main points:

@gracelawley didn't realize we would unpublish the original STAT 545 site when she made the redirects.

Links to (old) pages that didn't make it into the (new) bookdown site are currently redirecting to pages below a nonexistent So that needs to be fixed. This affects 31 URLs.

Default strategy: redirect to the rendered .md in the old website source repo

Also a good idea: decide how valuable the content/link is. The old repo lives on, for posterity, and sometimes we should just do a little rewording here to eliminate the link altogether. That is, maybe we don't need to handle all 31 of these, some of them can just be dropped.

gracelawley commented 4 years ago

@jennybc I went through all 31 of the pages and sorted them into three groups: (1) Redirect to the rendered .md in the old website source repo (2) Drop (i.e. send to the 404 page) (3) Not sure but maybe ___.

What do you think? I wanted to check with you before I made a new _redirects file.

Redirect to the rendered .md

  1. /block013_plyr-ddply.html - rendered md
    • "Computing by groups within data.frames with plyr"
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  2. /block022_regular-expression.html - rendered md
    • "Regular Expression in R" by Gloria Li & Jenny (2014)
    • Currently included bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  3. /block023_dplyr-do.html - rendered md
    • "Computing by groups within data.frames with dplyr and broom"
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  4. /block025_lm-poly.html - rendered md
    • "Wrapping lm" (to use with dplyr::do())
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  5. /block027_regular-expressions.html - rendered md
    • "Regular Expressions and Character Data" by Kieran Samuk (2015)
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  6. /block031_vector-tibble-relations.html - rendered md
    • "Vectors versus tibbles"
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  7. /packages02_activity.html - rendered md
    • "Write your own R Package, part 1" (2014)
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  8. /packages03_activity_part2.html - rendered md
    • "Write your own R Package, part 2" (2014)
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated
  9. /block014_factors.html - [rendered md]()
    • "Be the boss of your factors" (pre-forcats package)
    • Currently included in bookdown Appendix/Deprecated

Drop (i.e. will go to 404 page)

  1. /bit005_hw07-hw05-comparing-dataframes.html - rendered md
    • "Comparing two almost-identical data.frames" by Dean Attali & Jenny, 2014
  2. /block034_useR-encoding-case-study.html - rendered md
    • "Character encoding case study: useR! 2019"
  3. /111Scraping_Workthrough.html - rendered md
    • From the 2017 session (post-Jenny STAT 545)
  4. /bit004_stat545-use-of-github.html - rendered md
    • "Use of GitHub in STAT545" - JB's personal notes from unconference talk at #rrhack
  5. /block021_data-manipulation-capstone.html - rendered md
    • "Exercises to test and solidy your data manipulation skills" - note saying "not completed or used"
  6. /faq.html - rendered md
    • The FAQ for taking STAT 545 at UBC
  7. /font-awesome-test.html - rendered md
    • Just a test, only says "blah blah"
  8. /people-help-wanted.html - rendered md
    • "Help wanted" for TAs for the UBC sessions
  9. /syllabus.html - rendered md
  10. /rstudio-workbench.png - link
  11. /gapminderDataFiveYear.tsv - link
  12. /gapminderDataFiveYear.txt - link
  13. /gapminderDataFiveYear_dirty.txt - link
  14. /useR-2019-accepted-talks.csv -link

Not sure but maybe ___ ?

  1. /help-general.html - rendered md
    • "How to get unstuck"
    • Drop?
  2. /people.html - rendered md
    • List of all staff/TAs for 2014-2017
    • Drop?
  3. /topics.html - rendered md
  4. /block024_group-nest-split-map.html - rendered md
    • "Split-Apply-Combine", note saying: "WORK IN PROGRESS. Revamping for 2016 to use tidyverse and an approach based on nested data frames, list columns, purrr::map(), and dplyr::mutate()."
    • Drop?
  5. /block011_write-your-own-function.html - rendered md
  6. /packages04_foofactors-package-01.html - rendered md
  7. /packages05_foofactors-package-02.html - rendered md
  8. /shiny01_slides_2014.pdf - link
    • Drop?
jennybc commented 4 years ago

Redirect to the rendered .md

I agree with all of your proposals except this still seems current and worth retaining (even if it "needs work", that's true of many pages):

Stick it in a part relating to data manipulation.

Drop (i.e. will go to 404 page)

I agree with all of your proposals except:

I'd like these to be preserved. Shove them into Short Random Things? Could also be added as a case study chapter in the part where character data and encoding is covered. Probably a better place.

Not sure but maybe ___ ?

Agree with you everywhere.