rstudio / cloudml

R interface to Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine
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Error in strsplit(a, "[.-]") : non-character argument #219

Open lucie101 opened 3 years ago

lucie101 commented 3 years ago

Hello after trying to sumbit my R scribt to google cloud platform I always get the following error: Error in strsplit(a, "[.-]") : non-character argument I also tried running my script from a google cloud jupyter notbook out of fear that maybe I did not install something the right way. However I got again the same error. Does anybody of you guys now what Im doing wrong ?

data-vader commented 3 years ago

Hi, I got the same error! I managed to resolve it by creating a "cloudml.yml" file with the following arguments: trainingInput: runtimeVersion: "2.2" pythonVersion: "3.7"