rstudio / dygraphs

R interface to dygraphs
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Moving dygraph with second Axis with Shift key rescales "y2" #236

Open NanisTe opened 4 years ago

NanisTe commented 4 years ago

Following minimal example shows what I am facing.

test <- xts(cbind(A = rep(c(10,10,10,0,10,10,10),50),B =rep(c(10,10,10,3,10,10,10),50))
            , = Sys.Date()-c(1:(7*50)))

dygraph(test,main = "New Haven Temperatures") %>% 
  dySeries(color = "red") %>% 
  dySeries(color = "blue", axis = "y2") %>% 
  dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(0,15)) %>%
  dyAxis("y2", independentTicks = F, valueRange = c(0,15)) %>% 

Both y Axis are scaled to the same range. Zooming into the graph and moving it left right rescales minumum and maximum of "y2" Axis if I move within the graph holding Shift key and moving with the mouse. Moving the graph with the rangeselector at the bottom does not have this side effect.