rstudio / flexdashboard

Easy interactive dashboards for R
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Gauge background not updating correctly if 0 on first paint #70

Closed MarkEdmondson1234 closed 3 years ago

MarkEdmondson1234 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to use a flexdashboard::gauge in a Shiny HTML template, but it renders a little differently, am I missing some library or extra file perhaps?

In the RStudio viewer it looks like this:

screen shot 2016-07-03 at 13 21 33

..but in the template it looks like this:

screen shot 2016-07-03 at 13 22 05

The difference seems to be the grey background rendering, the HTML for those bits out of the HTML source are:

RStudio Viewer:

<path fill="#edebeb" stroke="none" d="M53.125,96.5625L25,96.5625A75,75,0,0,1,175,96.5625L146.875,96.5625A46.875,46.875,0,0,0,53.125,96.5625Z" filter="url(#inner-shadow-htmlwidget-4600)" style=""></path>

HTML Template (Firefox):

<path filter="url(#inner-shadow-gauge1)" d="M53.125,96.5625L25,96.5625A46.875,46.875,0,0,0,53.125,96.5625Z" stroke="none" fill="#edebeb" style=""></path>

The HTML template has a lot shorter d element.

MarkEdmondson1234 commented 8 years ago

Ok I've narrowed it down to it being because the first render of the gauge has no data, so it is technically correct to be 0, but the background grey bar does not update when you change to a different data source.

My example app you switch between accounts to download data, and it so happens the default initial account I was testing with has no data. Switching to a login which has some data in the initial load, subsequent displays are ok.

jjallaire commented 8 years ago

This might be a bug in JustGage but we could probably work around it. Could you provide a minimum reproducible example so we can investigate further?

sdhaus commented 6 years ago

I am having a similar problem, where once I authenticate the GA API, all color is removed from my gauges.

Below is a minimum reproducible example:


ui <- shinyUI(dashboardPage(

  dashboardHeader(title = "Test"),
      menuItem("Test", tabName = "Test", icon = icon("dashboard"))
      tabItem(tabName = "Test",

                  helpText("Start by logging in to your Google Analytics account."),
                  column( width = 4,
                  ),column( width = 4,
                  ),column( width = 4,

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  token <- callModule(googleAuth, "login")

  output$outputBox1 <- renderGauge({ 
    flexdashboard::gauge(15.8513963, min = 0, max = 100, symbol = '%', gaugeSectors(
      success = c(71, 100), warning = c(39, 50), danger = c(0, 39)
  output$outputBox2 <- renderGauge({ 
    flexdashboard::gauge(80.1935234, min = 0, max = 100, symbol = '%', gaugeSectors(
      success = c(71, 100), warning = c(39, 50), danger = c(0, 39)
  output$outputBox3 <- renderGauge({ 
    flexdashboard::gauge(5.869565, min = 0, max = 100, symbol = '%', gaugeSectors(
      success = c(71, 100), warning = c(39, 50), danger = c(0, 39)


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
cpsievert commented 3 years ago

We just updated JustGage. Please try using the development to see if that fixes it (and if not, please file a new issue with a reproducible example)
