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spike: find a workaround for docs README generation #507

Open dbkegley opened 2 months ago

dbkegley commented 2 months ago

related: related:

The README templating that we do in CI has caused some docs updates to be lost because it's not obvious to contributors that the README is auto-generated from the templates. Better "how to contribute" documentation may be a short term option to help with this, but longer term we should find a workaround that doesn't require a github action that makes a new commit to the repo.

Having to push/pull constantly while iterating on a PR is also a bit tedious.

dbkegley commented 2 months ago

cc @colearendt do you have thoughts on this? I'd personally like to see the README generation in CI stop entirely and have the readme be generated as part of a local just docs action or something similar. It should be up to the PR author to update the README to make it easier for reviewers to see what's changing.