Using the latest instructions from the, the container crashes due to inability to find Quarto.
snippet from kubectl logs
time="2024-07-10T22:32:40.668Z" level=warning msg="Warning: Could not detect Quarto at /opt/quarto/1.4.552/bin/quarto: Could not run Quarto as rstudio-connect; exit status 1; received output: '2024-07-10T22:32:40.663298Z [rsandbox] ERROR system error 2 (No such file or directory); OCCURRED AT int main(int, char* const*) src/cpp/server/sandbox/SandboxMain.cpp:411; LOGGED FROM: int main(int, char* const*) src/cpp/server/sandbox/SandboxMain.cpp:412'"
time="2024-07-10T22:32:40.668Z" level=fatal msg="Error: Unable to configure execution environments: unable to initialize local environment: Unable to use Quarto on this system: Update or remove the configured Quarto installation(s)"
Repro: Using the latest instructions from the, the container crashes due to inability to find Quarto.
snippet from
kubectl logs
helm template
helm template rstudio/rstudio-connect --version=0.7.3
showsExecutable = /opt/quarto/1.4.552/bin/quarto
But, exec into the docker image shows
has 1.4.557 (Executable = /opt/quarto/1.4.557/bin/quarto
Looks like this line needs to be updated: