rstudio / leaflet

R Interface to Leaflet Maps
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Plugins #91

Open yihui opened 9 years ago

yihui commented 9 years ago

Some potentially interesting plugins:

rbdixon commented 9 years ago

+1 for Leaflet.markercluster

yihui commented 9 years ago

@rbdixon Heard you. I have moved it to the top of the list :)

lmullen commented 9 years ago

+1 for Proj4Leaflet.

yihui commented 9 years ago

@lmullen I'll work on them this week. Thanks!

jcheng5 commented 9 years ago

Is there any downside to automatically applying L.Sleep on every map? (vs. just knitr/Shiny ones)

pssguy commented 9 years ago

The esri one looks pretty powerful

yihui commented 9 years ago

@jcheng5 I think it makes sense to use L.Sleep by default on all maps.

fxi commented 9 years ago

What about ? I was looking for a way to serve and render large amount of vector data quickly. So protobuf was the answer, using PGRestAPI and Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile. Example: 700k confetti (sources). What do you think ?

cjtexas commented 9 years ago

Leaflet.label would be quite nifty for the type of maps I make most often :+1:

asiegmann commented 9 years ago

Hi! I would be really interested in seeing the leaflet-dvf plug-in. In fact, I have started on this project myself, and would really love to contribute if possible! My focus has been on the various marker options. I have successfully gotten the L.RegularPolygonMarker, L.DiamondMarker, and L.StarMarker to work, but am having difficulty getting the chart markers to work. I believe the issue lies in passing the point data needed to generate the marker charts through R and into the JS plug-in in the correct format. I have no issue passing the lat/lng data through, but am stuck with the point-associated data. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Here is the link to the code I've been working with!

Thanks for making this great package! I've enjoyed using it and working with it!

bhaskarvk commented 8 years ago

I've integrated 6 plugins so far .

More to come.

wushuzh commented 8 years ago


Is it possible to add arrow with the line on leaflet so as to show the direction of the line ?

Best regards, wushuzh

wmcraver commented 8 years ago

I would love to see the OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier integrated. I'm working on a project to map thousands of clinical placements and sometimes have 10+ students at a site (same lat/lon). Clustering is nice, until you have to click multiple times to see all of the students at one site to differentiate each student's subject area. It would be nice to be able to zoom in and out to see all of the placements.

ilarischeinin commented 8 years ago

I'd like to add Leaflet.locate to the list.

byzheng commented 8 years ago

I implement a similar plugin into leaflet.

jeremy-allen commented 7 years ago

+1 for OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier. I'm in a similar situation as wmcarver. However, the current cluster option would work for me if I could control the color of the cluster markers. They default to shades of red, yellow, green, which does not work for me because my client must have circle markers that are red yellow and green, which must be in the legend; but then the legend conflicts with the cluster markers because the cluster colors are not intended to reflect the circle marker colors. I would like just grey cluster markers. That way the colors in my legend won't be confused with the cluster colors. If that's not possible, then the OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier would be great!

bhaskarvk commented 7 years ago

@18chains A some what convoluted way of achieving what you want.

leaflet(quakes) %>% addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(clusterOptions =
markerClusterOptions(iconCreateFunction = JS(" 
    function(cluster) { 
        return new L.DivIcon({ 
            html: '<div style=\"background-color:rgba(77,77,77,0.55)\"><span>' + cluster.getChildCount() + '</div><span>', 
            className: 'marker-cluster'
    } ")))
bhaskarvk commented 7 years ago

@18chains @wmcraver I am migrating the cluster plugin to the latest version which has support for spidering of overlapping markers, so overlapping cluster plugin will not be needed after that.

bhaskarvk commented 7 years ago Here are the new features aded to the cluster plugin.

harryprince commented 5 years ago

+1 need Leaflet.animatedMarker to demonstrate the trajectory path.

ccamara commented 4 years ago

Hello, I was looking for a way to implement the same (or very similar) behaviour for showing markers that are overlapped like the one provided in I've seen that there is a note on the issue's description that states that that plugin would no longer be needed when Marker Plugin is upgraded to latest ver.

Since that item has been redacted, I am assuming that Marker Plugin (whatever it is) has been updated to the last version, but I do not know how should I use it in order to get what I am looking for, neither I found anything on the documentation

Could you please give me some orientation with that?

ComeMaes commented 3 years ago

@ccamara I think @bhaskarvk was referring to the marker clustering plugin. However, I don't see how this plugin addresses the need for the OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier plugin, which does allow spiderfication only for overlapping markers. To my knowledge, there's no way to achieve that with the marker clustering: it will cluster markers according to zoom and marker count, until you reach maxZoom or freezeAtZoom... But what if you don't want the markers to be clustered in the first place?

I think the mention "Not needed once Marker Plugin is upgraded to latest ver." in the plugin list gives the wrong idea.

If you've found/implemented a solution, I'm interested!