I am trying to edit the pagedown resume template to allow for a clickable PDF icon that brings the user to a PDF of a published article. I am able to accomplish this using the following code
CV$pubs %<>% # trying to add the PDF icon below the year
PDF = case_when(
# If there is a PDF link present
is.na(PDF) == FALSE ~ paste0("[![PDF](raw/pdf-icon.svg){width=3%}](", PDF, ")"),
# If there isnt don't paste anything
is.na(PDF) == TRUE ~ " "
glue_template_pubs <- "
### {Title}
{Authors} \n *{Journal}*. \n {DOI}. {PDF}
This results in a small PDF icon being placed at the end of article text.
My question is how can I modify the div.date css code in order for this figure to show up below the year. An example is shown below
I am trying to edit the pagedown resume template to allow for a clickable PDF icon that brings the user to a PDF of a published article. I am able to accomplish this using the following code
This results in a small PDF icon being placed at the end of article text.
My question is how can I modify the
css code in order for this figure to show up below the year. An example is shown below