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combine pin_meta with pin_versions? #758

Closed DOH-FAA3303 closed 1 year ago

DOH-FAA3303 commented 1 year ago

pin_version() gives a tibble of all versions, create date and hash, but it's challenging to know what data a given version contains. pin_meta() will only return the specified pin's metadata, so we can't see any metadata for all pins.

For example, my team is making a lot of test datasets and using pins to keep track of them. Each time a test dataset is created the person creating it will write metadata giving their username and what is in the test pin. We need to get the pin_version and see what each version contains for ease of use.

pin_versions() isn't helpful as I can't see what metadata each pin version actually contains image

pin_meta() is sort of helpful, but I can only see one pin_version at a time: image

This is what I created - it allows us to use metadata in combination with the pin version list so we can see exactly what a user created and the pin version it corresponds to image

I made it with this function (it's so terrible but I'm hoping someone else could help make it better)

get_pin_info <- function(name_of_pin_board,name_of_pin){

  versiondata <- name_of_pin_board %>%

  version <- c()
  commit_message <- c()
  user <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(versiondata$version)){
    temp <- name_of_pin_board %>% pin_meta(name_of_pin,version = versiondata$version[i])
    version <- c(version,temp$local$version)
    commit_message <- c(commit_message,temp$user$commit)
    user <- c(user,temp$user$author)


  df2 <- tibble(version,commit_message,user)
  output <- inner_join(versiondata,df2,by = "version") %>% arrange(desc(created))

juliasilge commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here @DOH-FAA3303! We can keep this issue open to see if this would be something that would be useful to a broad set of pins users. In the meantime, you can use code like this to get the information you need from your pins:

b <- board_connect()
#> Connecting to Posit Connect 2023.05.0 at <>

all_versions <- b |> pin_versions("julia.silge/traffic-crash-model-metrics")

all_versions |> 
  mutate(all_meta = map(version, 
                        ~ pin_meta(b,
                                   version = .))) |> 
  # you can use `pluck` here to get out whatever you want,
  # such as something in the user slot
  mutate(title = map_chr(all_meta, pluck, "title"))
#> # A tibble: 41 × 6
#>    version created             active  size all_meta   title                    
#>    <chr>   <dttm>              <lgl>  <dbl> <list>     <chr>                    
#>  1 76347   2023-06-24 19:07:00 TRUE   28435 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  2 75998   2023-06-17 19:08:00 FALSE  28357 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  3 75740   2023-06-10 19:08:00 FALSE  28256 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  4 75455   2023-06-03 19:08:00 FALSE  28207 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  5 75150   2023-05-27 19:08:00 FALSE  28103 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  6 74827   2023-05-20 19:08:00 FALSE  28035 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  7 74149   2023-05-13 19:08:00 FALSE  27952 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  8 73825   2023-05-06 19:08:00 FALSE  27852 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#>  9 73364   2023-04-29 19:08:00 FALSE  27778 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#> 10 73145   2023-04-22 19:08:00 FALSE  27714 <pins_met> traffic-crash-model-metr…
#> # ℹ 31 more rows

Created on 2023-07-14 with reprex v2.0.2

If you need something more deeply nested inside of the metadata object, you could do something like map_chr(all_meta, pluck, "user", "commit_message")

DOH-FAA3303 commented 1 year ago

@juliasilge this is great, thanks for the help!

juliasilge commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the discussion @DOH-FAA3303! We can revisit this if it comes up as a high priority for more folks in the future.

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

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