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Verify Connect url on board creation #763

Open hadley opened 11 months ago

hadley commented 11 months ago

To avoid redirects after the fact. Will (presumably need)

hadley commented 11 months ago

OTOH I can't reproduce it with this code:


key <- Sys.getenv("COLORADO_CONNECT")

board1 <- board_connect(server = "", key = key)
board1 |> pin_write(1:10, name = "hadley/test-1")
board1 |> pin_write(1:11, name = "hadley/test-1")

board2 <- board_connect(server = "", key = key)
board2 |> pin_write(1:10, name = "hadley/test-2")
board2 |> pin_write(1:11, name = "hadley/test-2")

I get a 403 when writing to board2, possibly some url mismatching in the auth layer. I have rsconnect 1.0.1.


Oh but maybe that's because key based auth follows a different path.

aronatkins commented 11 months ago

This may be related to, which is reporting a "necessary data rewind wasn't possible" error.