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A `raw` or `path` pin_write api #803

Closed slodge-work closed 2 months ago

slodge-work commented 7 months ago

We've got a use case at present where we have a large number of files generated by a C# job which we'd like to upload to Connect pins.

These files are csv and parquet and we are seeing/thinking about:

To avoid these, we're currently looking at changing our R code to use the "lower-level" API of pin_store .

However, I just thought I'd also ask: is there a "user-level" API that could also be considered? - i.e. could there be a variation on pin_write that takes a path instead of x? Or, if not, is there any way pins could expose options/overrides for its object_write handling?

Not entirely sure how common a use case this is going to be for us or anyone else in the future - but thought I'd ask anyways.

slodge-work commented 7 months ago

Update.... now looking at pin_upload from šŸ‘

We're looking at starting with that - but maybe modifying it so that we can use types other than file in it

juliasilge commented 7 months ago

I would definitely recommend pin_upload() / pin_download() for a user-level API that lets you deal with paths and specific file formats. And that specific vignette you linked to shows you how to create custom functions (perhaps that you put in an internal R package) that can store and read files specifically how you need to, with any needed controls or customization. šŸ‘

slodge commented 7 months ago


I think we will take those functions and modify them slightly - we want to override this type for the files:

juliasilge commented 7 months ago

You probably have already seen this, but if you want to store custom metadata including more specific "what kind of file is this?" than just "file", this is the approach we recommend:

It would get set in a separate, user slot but that would still be available when downloading, still get surfaced in a Connect preview page, etc.

juliasilge commented 2 months ago

Let us know if you have further questions! šŸ™Œ

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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